25: The Parade

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~So before you all read I just want to tell you this is the last chapter of BOOK 1 && I just uploaded the last chapter/the epilogue to my other current--until now--book, Taming The Hybrid. So read that if you haven't it's about Klaus and it's really sweet and cute. Take places
during Season 1 of the Originals. If you liked this you'll love that book. And check out my other two books about Tyler Lockwood, on my profile page. They're pretty good but I hope I've improved writing since then. The next Tyler Lockwood fanfic should be better 😉😉 AND!!! INFO ABOUT BOOK 2 AT THE BOTTOM AUTHOR'S NOTE!

Chapter Twenty-Five

Elena and I had been up since the crack of dawn. We had been getting ready for the parade. On our to-do list was to dye my hair back to brown. My roots had grown in and by a whole lot, my hair grows incredibly fast. And the rest of white blonde hair was kind of yellow now and it was getting gross. It was fun being blonde for two almost three months, but it's gone.

Now Jenna was helping me and Elena with getting dressed. She had did our hair, curling it all for us both. We looked more identical then we have in months. With me talking again, my hair back to brown, and us both dressed with the same look it was gonna be hard to tell us apart honestly. Usually we dressed differently or you could tell the height difference. Not gonna work today.

Both of us kept to neutral make up, which Elena usually worked with. I typically went for a bold eyeliner and colorful, usually dark lips. Today we seemed all natural and were fitting the periodic look. "How are people gonna tell us apart?" I asked my twin.

"Ha. Ha. Not a clue," she chuckled. I moved around my room, looking for someone to add to my outfit to tell me and my twin apart. "Ow. This dress hurts."

"Suck it in, baby," Jenna advised. Elena was right. These corsets were horrible. It was super tight and it hurts like crazy. I looked fabulous though. My dress was the same as Elena, thanks to Caroline who picked them out. My dress was a weird goldish-yellow with a green thing on the top of the back of the skirt. Elena's dress was the same style but instead of yellow it was white and the bow thing was baby blue.


Elena and I were holding our dresses up as we walked around. I stopped when I spotted just who I looking for Stefan, all dressed up too. I caught Damon's gaze and looked at his shocked expression before looking back at my boyfriend. I gave a small cursy with a sly smile. Elena repeated my actions and looked at me with a giggle.

We walked over to the boys, wondering if they could tell us apart. "Um..." Stefan trailed off, looking between us. I looked over at Damon who smirked at his brother.

"Can't tell which is your girlfriend?" Damon asked, looking between me and Elena too now.

"Uh... wow," Stefan breathed. He stared at Elena, furrowing his eyebrows for a moment. Then he looked at me. "Hello, beautiful," he smiled at me.

I giggled and threw myself in his arms. "How'd you know?" I asked.

"Because your not wearing the necklace," Stefan smirked and I gaped at him, smacking his arm. Elena was wearing her vervain necklace while I had on my bracelet. I didn't even think of that. "Back to a brunette, huh?"

"Mmhm," I hummed, kissing his lips softly. When we broke apart Elena handed me her purse and I dug around and got out my black, geeky, fashion glasses. I put them on and then looked back at my boyfriend. "My favorite accessory. I haven't worn them in a long time."

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