18: Bachelors Auction

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Chapter Eighteen

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny," I said sarcastically.

"What? It's not my fault that you're so cute," Stefan's chuckling voice came through my phone, blessing my ears with the melodic sound.

"It's not. It's embarrassing," I denied, taking a bite out of my pizza.

"Anyways. About tomorrow... What time should I pick you up?"

"You're gonna pick me up?" I asked him, blushing.

"Of course. It's a date."

"Mmm. What time are our reservations?"

"At eight-thirty. It's about a forty minute drive. But we could do something before dinner."

"Mmm. I'd say pick me up at seven then," I told him.

"Seven it is, beautiful. Did you pick out what dress you're wearing?" He asked. Just yesterday I told him I was stuck between three dresses.

"Not even close to choosing."

"I'll love whatever you pick."

"Yeah, but it's our first date. My first date. I want to be perfect for you,"

"I want the date to be perfect for you. All pressure is on me. All you have to do is be there and I'll be happier than ever," he replied and I blushed again.

Just then Jenna and Elena walked into the house together. "Thank you. And I'll pick one. But I have to go," I said.

"Okay, babe. I'll be over soon though, right?"

"Yeah, see ya in an hour," I responded. We then hung up and I looked up at the two walking around the dining room.

"Join us, Kenz. I did some digging on your adoption," Jenna said. I nodded, bringing my pizza over to where she was pulling out her laptop. Elena and I stood behind her. "Your dad kept everything from his medical practice. Record, logs, old appointment books. I found an entry from the night you guys were born. Patient and a birth-date."

Jenna opened a book to show us and we both peered over her shoulder at it. "Isobel Perterson," Jenna read.

"Think that's her real name?" I asked before taking another bite of my pizza. The last one before the crust. I swear I was in love with food. I pulled out my phone, shooting Stefan a quick text. "Please buy me a Monster and some chips. I need more food in me."

"One slice of pizza wasn't enough?" He texted back and I held back a giggle.

"Pregnant teenage runaway? Probably not. First name maybe. But where'd she get Peterson? A classmate? Best friend? So I Binged it," Jenna said, pulling my attention as she pulled up the internet, Bing her home page. Gag. Google was my lover. You know, besides my sexy little Stefanator.

"One slice? Not even close but I want junk food. But if you could get me a burger or something from McDonalds and some fries. Oh, a milkshake too. Maybe. You know, if you want to," I sent to Stefan, finish my pizza and placing my plate on the table for now.

"I searched for all the Petersons in this area born the same year as Isobel. Found three, two men and a woman, Trudie, who lived in Grove Hill, Virgina," Jenna said, showing us her previous search.

"That's not far from here," I mentioned.

"Well, watch this," Jenna smiled at me. A new search was put in then she pulled up a picture of two highschool girls in cheerleading uniform. Ew. Cheerleading. Ew. Sports. Ew, moving in general unless it was to the kitchen. God, I had a problem. I was so hungry right now..

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