8: Stefan's Birthday

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Chapter Eight

Stefan and I woke up in the middle of the night. My bedroom light still on. "I should probably go," he said, moving hair out of my face.

I slowly nodded but made no move to let go of the tight grip I had on his shirt, through out the whole time we slept. "You have to let go, Kenz, so I can leave. I'll come back and visit you. We're friends. Just because Elena and I aren't together doesn't mean me and you can't talk anymore," he smiled.

I loved that smile. I felt my lips tug upwards and I moved to my night stand, grabbing my notebook on top. Stefan moved as I leaned over him. I grabbed a pen and brought it to my lap, scribbling words, "I met you first so you better not stop talking to me."

"I won't. But I gotta go. I'm gonna check on Elena and Jeremy. You go back to sleep. You need it, Kenzie," he said sternly and I nodded.

He kissed my cheek and pulled away. I slid his jacket off my shoulders and he took it. "I'll text you. Goodnight," he whispered, heading for the door. He flicked off the lights and then was gone. I sighed and pulled the covers over my head. Why was he so perfect?!


I woke up to a small crashing sound. I jolted in my spot on the couch. I looked over to see it was Stefan who woke me up. A book had fallen from his lap. He looked over at me and smiled. It was officially his birthday. It was the reason I spent the night at the Boarding House. I stood up stretching and grabbed Stefan's hands tugging him up. He got up and wrapped both arms around me. "Morning, I guess," Stefan croaked out. That voice after he wakes. It was full of sleep so it was still deep and husky.

"Happy Birthday," I mouthed and he grinned.

"Thank you," he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I pulled away and looked at my purse on the couch. "How did we even fall asleep down here?" He asked and I shrugged. I dug through the bag and found the card I had gotten him. I grabbed it and handed it to him.

"You shouldn't have," Stefan smiled and I shrugged, blushing. He went to open it but froze as we heard a voice. It was a woman's and it was creepy. Stefan stopped and gave me the card as he looked around. He moved over and went to the window and closed it. I felt this weird breeze and I turned, catching the glimpse of a shadow. I snapped my fingers and thankfully got Stefan's attention.

Now, I was scared. A small thud was heard and Stefan moved over grabbing my hand and tugging me with him. We moved around and stopped in the hallway. His head darted up to the balcony formed by the stairs leading to the next floor. Nothing. "Damon?" Stefan called up. The sound of a door closing was heard and more sound of movement.

We both turned around and suddenly Stefan fell to the floor. I looked to see someone on top of him. She flipped him over and I froze. Everything was happening so fast that I could barely keep up now. "Lexi?" I heard Stefan gasp at the girl now hissing at him.

"Hi," she said. Her fangs gone and a smile present.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. She got off him, pulling him to his feet with ease.

"How could you even ask that?" The girl, Lexi frowned.

"I missed you," Stefan sighed, pulling her in for a hug. I nearly awed. The look on Stefan's face showed how surprised yet happy he was. His eyes landed on me and he pulled away, grinning now.

"Happy Birthday," she said to him as they stood arms length apart.

"Thank you," he said, kissing her cheek. He turned and made her face me. "This is Kenzie Gilbert. And she's the only person I've been hanging out with the last few days. And yes she knows about vampires. She's mute but she's the sweetest. When she's not punching her sister in the face," he teased.

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