17: Opening The Tomb

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~I think you're gonna like this chapter. Cute & a bit sexy buts of Stenzie 😉😍😘

Chapter Seventeen

Stefan and I were sort of starting fresh. He's no in denial about how he feels for his ex and I'm no longer feeling insecure about being with him. As far as we're both concerned, yesterday talking about how we felt made us stronger. Now it was like a new us.

Stefan was out looking for Elena all night. He's kept me updated and asked if I wanted to join him after he located my sister and Bonnie who was also being held captive. I denied deciding it was best to stay away from seeing Stefan and Elena together at all. I wanted to focus on myself so that's why now I was searching for a sexy outfit for Duke's bonfire party down by the old cementary.

It's a yearly thing some guy we all call Duke comes back to Mystic Falls and throws a huge party supplying all the alcohol. It's a blast. I sent out a tweet this morning too, "Morning everybody. I'm feeling better than ever and can't wait to speak to you all. Sore throat causes a scratchy voice, but one that needs to be heard after five long months."

Caroline had immediately called me while our other close friends and random other people I knew who follow me commented happy responses. Caroline was so happy to hear me speak and then she's the one who reminded about the party asking me if I was going to go. I agreed and then had to tell her I had no clue where Elena and Bonnie were so I didn't know if they were coming or not.

I felt good though! So good. I took a long shower and when I was out I had two texts from Stefan. "Well, beautiful your sister and best friend are safe. I saw your tweet. God, I wish I could see your happy smile," the first one read.

"I should be by soon. At Bonnie's grandmother's now. We're all talking about Damon's plan. I'll fill you in later," he sent me.

"M'kay. But there's a party tonight. Be my date, will you?" I sent back.

"A party? Tonight?"


"Anything for you. I'll call you later, babe," he texted back. I grinned happily and put my phone to the side so I could pull on some clothes. I slipped on some undergarments and then struggled to find clothes to wear, again. I wanted clothes to where for the day and I could also where to the party.

I ended up feeling lazy so I went with something more casual then dressed up. I grabbed a pair of black leggings that had golden brown and white aztec pattern, a lose long sleeve tan top, and brown knee high boots that had a few buckles. I looked good though. I was happy with my outfit.

And I was ready for the day. Out of boredom I started curling my hair when Stefan called. I put down my curling wand and answered him. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Kenz. Um, you're on speaker. We need your help," Stefan said.

"With what?" I asked skeptically.

"We decided to help Damon," I heard a new voice, Bonnie.

"We're gonna open the tomb. He gets his girl and Stefan will handle destroying the other vampires," came another voice, Sheila.

"But we need to convince Damon," Elena said.

"Okay. What's the big deal?" I asked.

"Elena and Bonnie think you'll have the best chance of convincing him we're actually going to help him this time," Stefan said and I could hear the hesitation in his voice. He was not on board with this plan. Now who was the jealous one.

"Okay. Um, I'll stop by to see and convince him. I'll get back to you guys. I promise he'll agree," I said.

"Thank you," Elena replied.

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