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"Elyshia it's time to get up" Luca says to me as I slowly open my eyes.

"Five more minutes" I mumble snuggling into the chair.

"Elyshia we're in France, we need to get off the plane" Luca shakes me.

"Okay I'm up" I groan standing from my chair and stumbling out of the plane. Lazily, I walked down the stairs of plane but trip half way, luckily someone grabbed me and pulled me into their chest. The warmth of their chest lulled me to sleep once again.


I wake up with a start and find that I'm in a comfy king sized bed with the duvet over me. Looking around the room I find a note on the bed with a skirt and shirt places next to it.

We are in a hotel right now as there is a two hour drive to the school. Principal Jayden has said we can have the morning to do what we want but we can't get lost.


I place the note back down and grab the clothes that were left for me. Walking into the bathroom, I place the clothes and whatever was in my pockets, my phone and purse, on the side and changed to get in the shower.

After the shower I wrap a towel around me and grab one for my hair. I walk out of the bathroom to see if there were any undergarments in the draws I could use. Drying my hair I get to a chest of draws, opening it I see it full of bras and thongs. My cheeks turn red, well I guess I have to wear a thong.

I grab a pair of thongs and a bra, closing the draw I turn around to see Brody on the bed. I scream and place my hand over my heart. "What are you doing here?!" I whisper yell to him.

"Exactly the same as you my love" he smiles sadistically.

"You are not burning down another school" I demand.

"Don't worry I've already had my fun" he winks and sits up on his elbows, "and might I say, you look good in a towel." He smirks at me playfully.

"Guys are disgusting" I huff walking into the bathroom and quickly changing. I walk back out to see Brody going through the draw where the bras and thongs were held.

"What are you doing?" I say frowning and pointing towards the bra that was held in his hand.

"I'm just fascinated about how women, oh and girls, can wear these" he says looking over the bra and moving it around in his hand, "does it not hurt?"

"Okay Mr Nosey Pants, no more underwear for you for the day" I reply taking the bra out of his hands and placing it in back into the draw, closing it afterwards.

"Why are you here then Brody?" I ask leaning against the draw, "I mean you've had your fun so get gone." I point towards the open window, which I presume he came in from.

"Oh no, you see there is one final thing I must do" he points out grabbing my phone.

"Hey! Give that back!" I yell trying to reach for my phone but he just moved it higher into the air. I jump to try and grab it but that doesn't work out.

"Is that really all you've got?" Brody laughs whilst I smirk at him.

"Nope" I reply, he looks at me confused before he knows it I kick him in the balls making him lean down to cover them whilst I grab my phone and run to the other side of the room. "Don't always underestimate a girl."

"I'll give that to you but never underestimate a vampire" he smiles evilly. Next thing I know is that I'm on the bed with Brody on top of me pinning my arms above my head.

"Gotcha" he whispers smirking at me. I just stare at him, my breathing heavy as I try to look for what he's feeling in his eyes.

"Have I ever told you, you have the most beautiful eyes?" He smiles softly brushing a piece of hair out of my face with the hand that isn't pinning my arms.

I look away and blush slightly when I feel a weight lifting off my arms. I slowly move them lower down as I feel my heart race picking up. I turn to look at him and his eyes are a darker shade than they were before.

"Brody?" I ask as he gently runs his fingers down the side of my neck. He then leans down and starts to kiss up and down my neck before staying in one spot.

"Just let me do this okay?" He whispers, "I want to do this properly and not force you to do it."

"Okay" I whisper back as he nibbles the skin on my neck and then he slowly bites into my neck.

I grab onto his arms and squeeze them as the pain slowly starts easing away. I then let go of his arms and carefully run my hands down his arms until I reach his hands, where I intertwine our hands together.

He pulls out of my neck and looks me in the eyes. "Your blood is so sweet and pure, yet you have done wrong in this world? How will that work?" He say wiping the blood off his chin.

"What is happening here?!" Someone yells from the door of the room. We both snap our heads towards the door and see Niklaus standing there with his fists clenched.

"If you haven't noticed, I have been spending time with my blood mate" Brody says getting off of me whilst I sit up and stay quiet, "is it wrong for me to do that?"

"She's my girlfriend, of course I wouldn't like you going and drinking her blood" Niklaus snaps glaring at Brody.

"I'm pretty sure your girlfriend has a name and would love you to use it instead of calling her 'she' and 'my girlfriend'" Brody points out, "didn't you get taught how to treat a lady?"

"Listen here Brody, Elyshia is mine, I got to her first and I got her heart first so I suggest you run along and find another girl to toy with" Niklaus snarls.

I scoff and stand up, "you really think this a game huh?" I say to Niklaus making him look at me confused. "I actually thought you were different from everyone else, but no, it was just a race to see who could win me first and break me first. Guess what Niklaus? You've won and now we're over."

I turn to look at Brody but he's only staring at Niklaus. "You're exactly the same. Both of you are sick twisted bastards and I swear to god Brody if you don't change the way you're acting then I will get someone to kill you. I don't care if I go mental because a mental asylum seems to be the best place for me."

I turn to the door and barge past Niklaus before running down the hall.

Back in Elyshia's room...

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't gotten involved!" Niklaus yells at Brody slamming his fist into the wall.

"No, Niklaus, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't have been the player you really are" Brody says angrily, "Just face it the only person who can actually protect and be there for Elyshia is me."

"But you fucked up as well!"

"I was already like this before I even met the girl!" Brody shouts making the chest of draws fly across the room.

"Do you really think Elyshia would fall for a heartless bastard like you?" Niklaus sneers.

"Do you really think Elyshia would go back to a guy like you when the same thing has happened to her before?" Brody yells.

"What was that?" Niklaus asks frowning at Brody.

"That's right you wouldn't know" he smirks, "cause Elyshia never really tells anyone but you know I found from the fact that we're blood partners and I know everything about her."

"What are you saying?" Niklaus whispers.

"Elyshia's been played before and yet I'm the only one who knows" Brody smiles, "not even her best friends."

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