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"Elyshia, how were you able to avoid compulsion?" Miss Lamon asks whilst we were in Defence against Compulsion.

"Well I didn't exactly avoid it" I say, "I can't exactly describe what it was."

"Care to show us again?" She asks pointing to the front.

"What?" I reply bewildered.

"Show us how you avoided compulsion" she repeats, I sigh and walk up to the front. We got a new school uniform as well, instead of black skirts we have blue ones, everything else is the same.

"Who would like to try and compel Elyshia?" Miss asks and Luna instantly shoots her hand up - great. "Okay Luna, do your best."

Luna walks up to me and stares me straight in the eyes with a smug look. Her pupils dilate as she starts talking, "I want you to forget everything what happened with Niklaus and you, all you remember is that I am dating him."

I just stare at her for a few minutes. "Love, like that will ever happen" I scoff and walk back to my seat. Everyone just kind of stares at me amazed.

I start writing notes in my book on how to stop compulsion.

• Avoid eye contact, make it seem like you are looking in their eyes but you're actually not.

• Keep your mind full of thoughts don't make it go blank - it's easier to compel when a mind is blank.

• Keep breathing at a normal pace don't speed it up or slow it down. Being in a scared state makes it easier.

• Know what's going on and what's happen, don't be oblivious.

Don't think about what they say - thinking about it makes it quicker for the compulsion to happen.

"What are you writing down?" Ivan whispers to me making me cover my book on instinct. "If it's about how to avoid being compelled then you can show me, I can't exactly be compelled seen as though I'm a full blood. Born and raised."

I move my hand away from what I wrote and let him read it; once he read it he looks at me amazed. "That's how you can avoid compulsion?" He asks smiling at me.

"Yeah" I smile at my work, "I realised it after you tried compelling me and I've been practicing the technique but no one actually compelled me so I didn't expect it to work but it did."

"You really are smart" Ivan laughs as the bell goes.

"I wouldn't say it's being smart, more of common sense really" I reply shrugging my shoulders; I shove my books in my bag, say bye to Ivan before heading off to my locker.

I place all my book in there as well as my bag, then someone slams it. They twist me around and slam me against the locker. "I don't what your playing at Nordown but you need to tell me that you didn't avoid Luna's compulsion" A tall guy snarls at me.

"So now Luna can't even face me herself?" I say adding a cold laugh, "don't you know it's wrong to harass someone?"

"Listen here Elyshia, stop acting as if you're the best around here cause you're not"  he says putting a hand over my neck and starts to squeeze, "you're just a messily, defenceless human who's prey to us superior vampires."

"Don't think that this scares me cause it doesn't" I say tightly, my throat straining, "I've had way worse done to me than what you're doing now. I will never be afraid."

He lets go of my neck and I crumble to the floor coughing. He crouches down to me and his pupils dilate, "I want you to forget whatever happened just now, you don't remember anything about the marks on your neck or what happened."

He then runs off leaving me in a state. "Wrong move buddy, this is going to the principal" I choke out before I head towards the dorm room.

I walk into my room and quickly take some pictures of my neck before going back out of my room. "Hey, Elyshia" Beth says walking up to me and then widens her eyes,  "woah what happened to your neck?"

"This guy started strangling me because I avoided Luna's compulsion in lesson today" I answer annoyed, "he then tries to compel me to forget he ever did anything to me, completely forgetting that the whole reason he ganged up on me. So, I am now heading to Principal Jayden's office to tell him about it."

"I'm coming with you," Beth demands, "I am not letting some guy strangle my best friend because she avoided compulsion, that's just stupid."

I laugh and take the scarf she was wearing and wrap it around my neck to cover the bruises on my neck; she nods, links arms with me and we walk away towards Jayden's office. On the way there a lot of people were frowning at the scarf I am wearing but Beth just shooed them away - she knows how to stop people from pestering.

We knock on Jayden's door and we hear a muffled 'come in' from behind the door. I walk in and see Jayden talking to Niklaus and Ivan. "What is it girls?" Jayden sighs.

"I'm filing a complaint" I say boldly, staring at Niklaus, smirking slightly at his confused facial expression.

"And that complaint is?"

"This" I reply, pulling the scarf off and showing them my neck, "your trusted nephew, my protector, Niklaus, has failed to do his job. I was harassed an hour ago by some guy close to Luna, effectively because I 'avoided' her compulsion. He then decided it would be good to strangle me, tell me that I'm a defenceless human and try to use compulsion and make me forget everything he did."

"Now, I am not saying it is exactly Niklaus' fault, but isn't it, and I do remember you saying when we first came to this school, that it is the protector's job to stop me and my friends getting hurt or taken in any specific way. Am I right, Principal Jayden?" I add on giving him a smug look whilst high fiving Beth behind my back.

"You are correct Elyshia" Jayden agrees, "however I cannot punish this person as I don't have any description of him."

"Tall, Dirty blonde hair, stays with Luna" I reply quickly.

"Dallas?" Ivan asks, "But he's like a nerd, why would he do that?"

"A nerd in class, a brute in life" Niklaus answers turning to Jayden, "Dallas is Luna's brother, he protectors her and is essentially her slave. He gets her everything she wants. What did Luna exactly try to compel you to forget?"

"She told me to forget about everything about you and what happened and that all I remember is you and her dating" I say rolling my eyes, "the usual."

"There's your answer then" Niklaus deadpans, "Dallas is the person you want to be speaking to uncle, unless you want me to sort him out?"

"No there is no need, I will speak to him and make sure that he is expelled for his actions" Jayden answers typing something on his computer, "girls you may be excused."

"Thank you" me and Beth mumble before leaving.

We both smile and head back to our dorm, to watch Twilight. Everything is heading back to normal.

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