One last kiss and the final hold

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The Protectors Dorm...

"Why'd you hit her?!" Mason exclaims pacing up and down the room, he was more than enraged.

"Because she was comparing me to him!!" Niklaus shouts his eyes glowing.

"That is a pathetic excuse" Elizabeth argues pack, "what she said about you is right, you are worse than him."

"You've hurt her twice and he's sucked her blood" Casey explains, "he's watching over her all the time and you don't realise that Niklaus!"

"You're are supposed to be her protector" Henry shouts grabbing Niklaus by his shirt, "you're supposed to protect her from getting hurt, not be the person who hurts her."

"We were assigned this job for a reason Nik!" Lucy exclaims, "your uncle thought we would be best suited for the job, yet you go and ruin it because people saw you push her into a table and slapped her in a corridor where people were bound to see!"

Niklaus' breaths became jagged and irregular. "Fine, if you want after this battle I'll leave - I'll leave the school, I'll leave this job. You will never hear from me again, but I am staying until this battle is over because we are all to blame for this."


"Come on Elyshia, do we really have to repeat this again?" Briony groans from the other side of the door.

After yesterday's incident, I went back to my room and I've stayed here ever since. I haven't let Brody in even when he was at my window last night, I knew it pissed him off as six people were found dead this morning with the same injuries as all of his victims.

Call me reasoning stupid, but being hit by the person you never would have thought would hurt you really sucks. I know I'm being harsh on Brody but when I get like this I always shut everyone out, I do it all the time.

"Elyshia please, not before the war" Beth begs banging on the door.

"What are we supposed to do about this war?" I question, "we're not involved, it's between Brody and the protectors."

"People who we are close to are going to die!" Chloe exclaims, "do you want that to happen?"

I stop and think for a minute, effectively Luke could die, all of our protectors could die. But we can't exactly stop the war now. "Yeah and how are we going to stop it? Come on we're just a bunch of humans" I say softly pressing my head against the wall, "we can't do anything - we'll die out there."

"You have a point" Beth agrees, "but that's not the point."

"Well then what is the point?" I ask frowning at the door.

"Our blood patterns could die" Briony says getting annoyed, "I'm pretty sure you don't want us going crazy because of some feud between Brody and the protectors."

"It's too late to stop them," I say thinking about a plan, "the most we can do is watch or try to persuade them to stop but that is going to be difficult as I'm not on good terms with Brody."

"Why aren't you?" Chloe asks trying to open the door.

"He normally sees me on a night but last night I didn't let him in so he got angry and killed the six people who were on the news" I answer awkwardly.

"Why are you even talking to him? He's the one who brought us here" Briony quizzes and barges my door open.

"And killed millions of people don't forget" Beth adds walking in behind her. I sigh walking away and flop onto my bed.

"That's not what I'm implying" I say but it's muffled due to my face in the duvet.

"What are you implying then?" Briony asks crossing her arms over her chest and giving me a dead look.

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