Losing the ones you never thought you'd lose

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So for the image I have decided to use Zoey Duetch, a.k.a Beth, crying. I will post a list of urls here for the rest of the characters as this part is going to be emotional, well I tried to make it emotional. It's the thought that counts right? Anyway the song I have chosen is I See Fire by Ed Sheeran - I just thought it fit well for some random reason.

Elyshia: I couldn't find one! This really upset me here :( So here is an image of Nina Dobrev crying - https://media.giphy.com/media/10NVfxd9WKNzYk/giphy.gif

Chloe: http://30.media.tumblr.com/14a88af51edc8353eec53cca5031e1c3/tumblr_mzuteyaM261s8fzvro1_500.gif

Briony: http://33.media.tumblr.com/6bef47da39fadb4e2a913dd0faf84e3b/tumblr_inline_ndag8iQ3M21sjx4ms.gif

Owen: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luhwb6Uh6U1qccbr3o1_r2_500.gif

Jake: http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxyygreFkr1qmynpd.gif

Brooke: http://38.media.tumblr.com/c20bd1aa811b01355ee9a43947ea38e1/tumblr_n8jztin1g51s5k8ilo1_250.gif

Joe: http://24.media.tumblr.com/12c5571eadb04173fbc03970e94e5cd6/tumblr_min3wyGLek1qablhto4_r1_250.gif

George: http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m41j533hB21rn435g.gif

Jack: http://vampirediaries.alloyentertainment.com/files/2015/06/suddenly-forever-feels-like-a-really-long-time.gif

5 months later...

I wake up on the floor, great I rolled off the bed again. Ever since the battle I been moving around in my sleep, getting restless and having the same dreams of that night. I haven't been able to focus anymore and even though it has been five months I've still got the clear images in my head.

I stand up from the floor, walk over to my draws where I pull out some undergarments and head into my bathroom where I take a shower.

Afterwards, I head to my wardrobe and pull out some black skinny jeans and a white knitted off the shoulder jumper with some combat boots and a beanie. I was about to leave my room until Beth burst in panting, "Elyshia we need to get to the hospital" she says between breaths, "now."

We run into Lauren's hospital room to see everyone crowded round her. All I hear is the heart monitor going crazy and none of us knew what to do. We look at each other scared at what will happen, I see Owen open his mouth to shout the doctor but then the monitor flat lines. We turn slowly to Lauren and she's pale as a sheet.

We look at each other confused, we waited to see if the monitor would go back to normal. When I realise it wasn't going to go back to normal, I run to get the doctor - who calls for his nurses and sends us out the room.


I was crouching by some chairs on the floor, Owen was leaning against a wall, George was pacing up and down the corridor, Briony, Beth, Chloe and Brooke were sitting down and Joe, Jake and Jack went to get us all drinks.

It has already been an hour and they haven't come out of the room - I have a feeling that Lauren won't be coming back but I can't think like that. I have to be strong for everyone else otherwise they won't have any faith but I can tell that they have the same feeling.

Just as Joe, Jake and Jack come back with all the drinks, the doctor exits Lauren's room. We all stand up and wait for the worst to come. "I'm deeply sorry but Lauren didn't make it" The doctor says with a grave voice, "she was dead by the time we got to her. I'm sorry."

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