The final goodbye

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We were sat in the lunch hall, minding our own business when Luna and her clique decide to come over to us. "What's the matter with you? Cats got your tongue?" She ask leaning on the table, "you know it would be so great if you guys... How should I put it? Disappear - it would do us all a favour."

"You know what else would do us a favour?" Beth sneers, "if you would happily drive a stake through your heart. Then we wouldn't have to put up with your bullshit everyday."

"Keep your panties on, is it Beth?" Luna laughs, "So where are your supposed protectors then? I don't see them here and I don't see them protecting you?"

"They're dead" I say monotonous, looking her dead in the eye.

"Yeah next joke please" she replies nervously looking around at all of us.

"It's not a joke - they died last night, well apart from Wayne, Lucy, Luke, Henry and Niklaus" Owen answers glaring at her.

"Oh thank god, I would have died if Niklaus had died" Luna breathes a sigh of relief putting a hand to her heart.

"I really think you should change who you like" Briony says awkwardly, "Niklaus is not who you think he is."

"What do you mean?" Luna answered with a worried look in her eye.

"He tried killing Chloe" Jake answers quickly, knowing that she would have loved it if Niklaus did that to me.

"Yeah and he abuses girls - I saw him punch this girl outside our classroom this one time" Briony adds on.

"That is not Niklaus" Luna replies breathing heavily, "You're lying! Niklaus would never do that!!" She runs off and before she could leave the cafeteria I shout to her.

"Don't believe us? Ask the protectors who are still alive then you'll find out the truth."


"Can Elyshia Nordown please go to Principal Jayden's office" Someone says over the loud speaker whilst we were training on the football field (a/n: for anyone reading from America or any country that uses soccer - this is basically a soccer field). I let go of the girl who I had in a headlock and head into the school.

A few people in the corridors stare at me as I walk by with confused looks. Jake jogs over to me and walks next to me. "What's going on?" He asks looking concerned.

"I don't know" I answer truthfully, "this is just random unless it's to check up on me after you know what happened."

"Ah right well I need to head back to class," Jake says running off again, "see you later."

I get to Jayden's office and walk in, I'm used to doing it as it's a regular thing I do. He looks up to me and motions me to sit. "As you are aware, Elyshia, several of the protectors you knew died last night" He says writing stuff on a piece of paper.

"Yes I am totally aware seen as though I was there when it happened" I say pointing out the obvious.

"And I heard from your friends that you want to hold a funeral for them all" Jayden replies putting down his pen and looking up to me, "am I correct?"

"Yes because it would be nicer if we did something special for them, I mean yeah they died a horrible death but that shouldn't stop us from not holding a funeral for them" I answer truthfully.

"You know this isn't the reason why I brought you here" Jayden smirks placing his glasses on the table.

"Then why did you bring me here?" I ask confused.

"Bring him in" He commands, the doors to his office open and reveals three guards holding down a hand cuffed Brody. "We heard rumours that students has seen him entering and exiting your room in the early hours of the morning" Jayden explains, "Care to tell us why?"

"It wasn't for anything bad" I say quickly, "he was just coming in and checking on me, like a blood partner should do, right?"

"Elyshia, he is a dangerous serial killer, you should not be associating with him!" Jayden growls.

"Are we seriously going on about this again?" I groan standing up, "I don't care that he kills people, yes it is bad I know it is but I'm not going to let the change my judgement of him. He probably won't like me saying this but I see that there is good in him and that maybe one day he will stop killing people. You can't change my opinion of him."

"Fine" Jayden replies frustratedly, "I'll let you two talk but only for an hour after that you may never see each other again."

He walks out the room, motioning the guards to follow him and slams the door, making it evident that he was angry with me. I turn to Brody and lean on Jayden's desk waiting for him to say something. "I know what you're going to say" he says finally, "I shouldn't have come here but I needed to see you."

"Why?" I ask crossing my arms and rolling my eyes at his explanation.

"Because I wanted to see if you were okay" he sighs, "I didn't know that Niklaus would that and then I egged him to actually do it to show that he can't kill you or that he is not the protector Jayden thinks he is." I scoff laughing half heartedly at this.

"But the whole time I was actually scared" Brody admits, "I was scared because I could feel your heart racing like mad, I was scared because I'd never thought he'd be able to do that and I was scared about losing you."

That made me look up to him and see the regret look on his face. I couldn't muster up the courage to say anything so I just sat there. "And I know you're thinking, 'oh this is a load of bull crap' but I promise you I don't want to lose you - that is the last thing on Earth I do not want to see" He explains.

"You say that but you're already losing me" I answer feeling the tears form in my eyes, "I know that you didn't originally come after us, you used me and my friends as bait for the protectors, then you think it's okay to just start seeing me after all the stuff you've caused?"

"I know I used you and I feel terrible for that. Don't you see? I have been trying to change for you Elyshia, I'm trying to do something good with my life but I have to go fuck it up every single time" Brody says getting angry, "I don't want to fuck it up but I always do."

"You're letting other people get to you which is making you fuck up" I say quietly, "you wanted revenge on the protectors for what happened to your brother - do you really think your brother would want you to do that for him. People who weren't involved with the incident died last night and you blamed them for your brother's death. How do you expect that to be good."

"I only wanted Niklaus, that's it but you got in the way" Brody quickly replies.

"But you didn't say that!" I exclaim getting annoyed.

"If you hadn't have gotten in the way I would have killed him and then all your suffering would be over" He shouts back to me, "but I guess you still love him!"

"It's not easy losing feelings for someone who you thought you could trust your whole life with and they blow it" I say rubbing my arm, "I'm pretty sure you would know what it feels like but then again you seem to block out all of your feelings and only show anger so you know."

"I block out my feelings for a reason because I care too much" Brody growls, "I thought that if I stopped caring then I wouldn't seem like an idiot and it worked but you wouldn't know that."

"I wouldn't know it because you show yourself as a psychopathic serial killer who kills for fun!" I shout just as Jayden and the guards walk back in.

"That is enough!" Jayden demands, authority rolling off him. I nod and Brody calms down, "Elyshia go back to your dorm, I'll get your friends to deal with you later."

"Have fun without me in your life" I sneer towards Brody walking out of Jayden's office, swaying my hips slightly.


I sat there in Lauren's hospital room just staring at her pale body. The beeping of the heart monitor was going but it was slower than usual. After the argument I came to the hospital to see how Lauren was doing but nothing has been said yet.

"Lauren, you have a full life ahead of you - if you don't wake up you're going to miss it all" I whisper in her ear.

They said that talking to her might help wake her up but so far none of its working. I stand up and walk towards the door. "Hopefully you'll wake up soon" I say before walking out and closing the door silently.

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