First Day Problems

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"Elyshia would you like to go with Master Niklaus" Mr Collins asks looking at me, I feel everyone looking at me; I shake my head and carry on writing notes trying to block out the stares, "Sorry Master Niklaus but I guess she doesn't want to at the moment, try at Lunch maybe?"

"I understand Mr Collins" Niklaus says disappointment in his voice, "Sorry for intruding." And then the door closes and lesson resumes. I still feel people looking at me but I just ignore them.

The bell goes and I head to Chemistry, I pass Chloe and she pulls me to the side. "I just saw Niklaus, he looks upset" She says to me.

"Yeah, well he came into my History of Vampires lesson asking to take me out but I declined" I reply placing my hands on my hips, "I don't want to see him and he knows that."

"That's true" Chloe says hugging me, "I've got defence against compulsion, you have chemistry. It's just down there."

"Okay thanks" I reply hugging her back. I follow where Chloe had pointed and found my chemistry room.

I walk to towards the door and Niklaus is leaning against the wall next to the door; I roll my eyes and walk straight past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me to the side, as people walk into the classroom they look at us confused.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asks standing in front of me, I cross my arms and avoid his eyes not answering him, "Answer me."

"You can't run away, I'm your protector." Niklaus says, well guess what I can; I roll my eyes and walk away into class. The teacher gestures me to go over to her.

"Miss Nordown, the new student, why are you late?" She asks.

"My Protector wanted to talk to me so if you want to blame me, don't, because it was my protectors fault" I reply in my sweetest voice.

"And who may your Protector be?" The teacher asks raising an eyebrow.

"Niklaus Lagana" I say giving her a false smile.

"Why don't you introduce yourself Miss Nordown?" My teacher says changing the subject.

"I'm Elyshia and I moved here from York on a scholarship with my friends" I say to the class.

"Thank you, Elyshia you may take a seat" My teacher points to a seat next to a boy with red hair. I walk over and sit next to him without even saying anything to him, I'm sick of boy drama right now.

"I saw Niklaus and he looked upset and angry" The boy whispers, "what did you do?"

"That is none of your business" I whisper back.

"Oh but it is," The boy tuts, "see I'm Niklaus' younger brother, Ivan."

"You look nothing like him" I whisper, which is the truth.

"We have a different mother" Ivan laughs, "you could say we're brothers from another mother, literally."

"That's true" I reply writing down notes to show that I'm actually doing work. We are learning about the chemicals which can harm vampires and which ones are lethal, I wish I had some of these chemicals right now.

"You were brought here by my brother" Ivan says randomly half way through the lesson.

"Yeah why?" I ask writing.

"When he came back from Uncle's office he wouldn't stop talking about you. Then after what happened with Dan in the protectors dorm he was fuming, he could have killed everyone in this school" Ivan says, that didn't help at all, I just stare at him, "I shouldn't have said that."

"I'm guessing your special power of being a vampire is that you can see into people's past" I reply bluntly.

"Yes, how'd you know?" Ivan asks smiling.

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