Lonely no more

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I dont want this. I never ask for this life. You cant do this to me. I decided i will escape, escape from this hell. I run and run, i found no escape, i was caught, again. Im locked up again. No, not this, not in this darkness again, i dont want this! Someone save me! Save me from these needles and electric shocks. I cant remember who i am anymore. Anymore of this i'll die, die of loneliness, die of pain and hurt, die in darkness. It's been a week, today is the day again, the day they dressed me up and putting me out for a show. People crowded outside my cage, amazed by my loppy ears, by my fair skin n long eye lashes, by my emerald eyes and silky green hair. They talked about me, what am i, a human, an animal, what am i?? I didnt ask for these, you guys put me under tests and here i am. You guys dont have the right to judge me at all. I wanna escape, i want to!! After a whole day out there as Exhibit Green, i was moved into a car and was drove off to somewhere, i dont know where it leads me, but im afraid. I cant scream, i have no voice, i could only protest in silence. I wanna out of here. Ive arrived. It's a big mansion. <Shutoku> is the name, and im led into a room. It's so white, but comfy. There is no needles and electric shock. I sit at a corner, legs crunched up to my chest and i hide my face. Suddenly, something small crawled up in between my legs, i was shocked!! It is a small hamster, he looked at me with curiosity gleaming in his eyes. He sniffed me for awhile and ran back to the end of the room ended up running back to me wit a sunflower seed in his small paws. Is he offering me the seed?? He smiles brightly, so bright, a smile i never seen before. I accepted the seed. He lunged towards me and hugged my neck. It's warm, so this is how it feel to have someone beside you, it's so warm, i think i can adjust to this new environment. I have no idea what will happen to me next,  but as long as this guy is with me, i am no longer afraid, i am no longer lonely.
Author's note:
To be honest, i think this is bad. I was sleepy when i wrote this and my imagination is just everywhere. Urghhh..

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