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Walking along the beach, Kazunari once in awhile will stop in his track and stare beyond the sea, waiting..

"What are you looking at nodayo??" Kazunari was snapped out of his thought when Shintaro used his smexy voice so near at his ears. "Ahh!! Geez Shin-chan! You scared me!" Kazunari whined. "It's your fault for looking absent mindedly at the sea, ive been calling your name for five times nanodayo!" Shintaro squinted his eyes at Kazunari. "Ahahahaha.. Gomen! Gomen Shin-chan!! I was just mesmerized by the ocean. I mean look at how vast it is, if im swallowed up by it, i mean, i can just disappear under the sea y'know, you wont be able to find my body too!!! That's scary but at the same time i find it.. it.. Urghhh i dont even know how to explain it!!" Kazunari explained with all the his might, hands gestures flying everywhere. Knowing that he's nervous about the expedition to the sea, Shintaro flicked Kazunari's forehead so hard that he cried out loud in pain. "Why'd you do that for, Shin-chan?!!" Kazunari rubbed his forehead with a bit of tears coming out at the corner of his eyes. "That's for your unnecessary worries over your expedition. If your team prepared everything well, and you bring your lucky item, your expedition will be a success. So, dont worry about it. Plus.." Shintaro suddenly cupped Kazunari's face and looked at him with a serious face, "If.. If anything happened to you, i will stop at nothing to find you and bring you back. To hell with that!! You are gonna be safe and you are gonna come back to me no matter what, got it?! Coz that's what im gonna do if im out there. I will definitely come back to you nodayo!" Hearing those promised words, Kazunari hugged Shintaro tightly, cause he knows that's how important he is in Shintaro's heart. It's more than enough to put him at ease. "I will definitely come back!! Because if it's Shin-chan, he'll do the same too! Thank you Shin-chan! I love you the best!" Smiling happily, Kazunari buried his face further into Shintaro's chest that leads to the tall guy to flash a smile too, "Yes.. Me too."

NEWS: The 'search & rescue' team that went out for the sinking expedition ship was unfortunately hit by the waves and their ship was nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, the second 'search & rescue' team found the remnants of the expedition ship and has rescued all the survivors...

"Ney~ Shin-chan.. You're coming back right?? You promised..."

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