That person

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Do you have that one person? You know, that once jokingly said "I'll be with you wherever you are", pfffttt, i thought that was a silly promise. Then, slowly.. You realized something, that indeed, wherever you are, that person will be there. No!! Not like stalker, not like that at all. It's like.. How do i say it?? Ahhh.. Let me tell you that person of mine. Then, maybe you'll understand me better. That person of mine, he is a bit of eccentric you may say. He told me that he used to want to win against me, but now he wants me to acknowledge him, haha.. What an idiot. He follows me wherever i go, said that it was to make sure he'll understand me better, he even gave me names, not that i mind, but it is kinda embarrassing to be called like that. I didnt realized it first, but slowly his presence becomes something that i need in my daily life, just like Oha Asa, i cant go through a day without him. It is weird how simple this can be, you know, this thing between me and him, I dont know what is it, but i know that he is that one person that's important to me. Hahh.. Maybe his promise doesnt sound silly at all, he did fulfill it, always with me, annoying me yes, but still, he's with me. Sigh.. Maybe i do have to acknowledge him, that'll make him happy. Pffftt now who's the silly one? Because right now, i feel like i want to see him smiling. --Dialling a number-- "Takao.. Come out now, i have something to tell you~"
Author's note:
I feel guilty for the previous story so i hope this story will cheer you up instead. :)

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