An unusual day with you

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It was a rare day off for all the basketball players. The court was locked for some renovation so we ended up have nothing else to do after school. I have no idea what's got into me but.. "Takao.. Do you want to come over to my place?" I blurted out. Your face was flushed with embarrassment but you covered it up with your usual grin and nodded. We didnt do much. I was just lying down and reading my book, and you were reading manga besides me. Not sure when was it that you stopped reading and was playing with my glasses instead, but i was paying no attention to that either. Suddenly, it was so quiet and i found you snuggles up to me and has already fallen asleep. Instinctively, my hand went and wrapped around you, it was comfortable to see you leaning on me and just lying there. At that moment, i made up my mind to always protect you and make sure you will be happy.
#midotaka #midorima #takao

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