Im not a child

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"S-stop it Bakao!!! Stop kissing my hands already!!" Lil' Shinchan protested with red blushing face like a cherry tomato. Never would he dream about waking up in this child form ever in his whole life, but right now he cant deny the reality, he is in a child form and for the past 2 hours he has been smothered by Takao's kisses and hugs. But, one thing for sure as of this moment, if Takao wont stop treating him like a kid, he will definitely kill that hawk eye guy once he's back to normal.

Lets wind back our clock to 3 hrs ago.. Midorima woke up as usual, however something seems off. He looked around and everything is bigger than usual. He sat up and his pyjamas just draped over his body. His eyes has never been wide opened in such way before today, and "HOLY SHIT" are the only two words that came out from his mouth.

After an hour trying to figure out what to do with his situation, Midorima decided to call up on Takao, two brains is better than one, at least in this condition, he does need another brain, even a brain from someone like Takao. He even didnt failed to remind Takao to bring along a set of kids sized clothes because obviously, all his clothes are too big.

You should've seen the look on Takao's face when he saw lil' Shinchan. It was like watching a fast paced movie, first shocked, then dumbfounded-amazed-baffled-curious-excitement and now the foolish giggly look he has on his face. And here Midorima thought by having Takao over, they can solve this issue. But right now, the only thing Takao did is to harass him. He's been squeezing, pinching, kissing, hugging and all sorts of gesture you could've done when you see a cute kid to lil'Shinchan.

With every minute passed by, Midorima's patience is wearing thin. And at last he stood up on the table and screamed at Takao! "Im not a child nodayo, stop whatever you doing and help me already!!"

Tears welled up in Takao's eyes due to the sudden outburst from his beloved ace-sama. "Im sorry Shinchan i got no control over myself.. B-but.. Shinchan doesnt like me to smooch over him, and now thay Shinchan is a boy, i thought i can smooch as much as i can before you turn back to normal.. Im s-sorry." Surprised by Takao's talk, Midorima felt bad. It's true, though they are a thing now, he never let Takao behaves like one whenever they're together, it's not like he doesnt like it, but it's too embarrassing and it's weird for two guys to do so. "Fine~ im sorry too." Lil'Shinchan walked over to Takao and pecked him. "You can hug me, or kiss me or do whatever to me, but dont overdo it! Get it Bakao?!!" He said while wiped the tears away. "So.. Stop crying already nodayo!" Takao lightened up at what Midorima has said and hugged that small boy tight. "I really really love my ace-sama a lot!!" Hugged back, Midorima smiled to himself acknowledging that he too really really loves his Bakao. But, still... How should he revert back to his normal self????

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