Your win

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"Nghh.. A-ahh.." He clenched his fist on the wall as he feels his bare butthole is being licked as if it's an apple flavoured lollipop. The sensation is far greater when compared to being fingered. All the slimy, warm and twirling of the tongue inside, hitting the wall and the tickling effect he gets whenever his sweet spot is being brushed against, "A-ahhhhhh.. N-no! T-tha spo- mmphh.." He muffled his own voice with his arm as his sweet asshole is being devoured by a hungry beast down there. His sweat is trickling down his forehead, his back is arched in a way that he couldnt even imagine of. No.. Not like this.. It's not enough, he wants more, he wants it just like how it feels last time, how it feels being stripped away and being ravished like a helpless prey, just like the first time he was raped by Takao... It's been awhile since he was pushed against the wall by the petite guy and was fondled and played with, the worst part is, he was only being touched at the back and he's already heightened to this level of sensitiveness. Right in front, sweet pre-cum is leaking like honey drops, but it was left alone and hard throbbing on its own. With each lick and slurp, he's only arching his hip higher to deepen the sensation, and it's all going according to the beast's way. "N-no!! T-takao.. S-stop.. I-i cant handle it anymore.." He begged, surprisingly, his voice was a pitch higher than usual that it makes Takao more aroused. Takao smirked with an evil glint in his eyes and stopped everything, Midorima finally caught some breath and slides down from the wall. "As you wish my ace-sama.. Lets stop for today, shall we??" Midorima knew at that point that there's no going back from this anymore, he never meant for everything to stop, all he wants is exactly the opposite of stop. The dishevelled Midorima couldnt care less, he couldnt care if this was just a game for Takao nor he couldnt care less if he's being raped by his teammate, he wants it, he wants to be dominated, he wants it to hurt and finally at the end of the day, he wants to be ravished and tainted by none other than the beast in front of him. "NO!" He grabbed onto Takao's arm. Looking so wonton and horny, he grabs on to Takao's waist and starts to lick the evident bulge at his groin, "F-fuck me.. Fuck me deep and hard.. Like the first time.." he begged. Today, it's Takao's win again.

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