His present

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He's been pacing in his room the whole night, it's weird because usually by this time he would've slept. By the way, it's 30min to 12.00am of 21st Nov. Sighing sound and groaning (due to frustration) can be heard if u listen closely. He's scratching his head, biting his fingernails, sometimes look at a place for a long time, he'll frantically searching for ideas through google as well, but NOTHING. He cant think of a good idea of what to get for Takao as his birthday gift. Typing "what to get for your boyfriend" on google search bar doesnt help much at all, every ideas that he encountered didnt meet his expectation or standards. He wants the best for Takao, he wants it special, and he wants it memorable. However, he is not a romantic person, this is his first relationship after he found out that he's gay for Takao when they both accidentally bumped into each other and kissed, and he got a hard on right after. He's still feel embarrassed whenever he thought of that incident, but it was also sweet because Takao confessed to him that day and made him his. "Ah-hah!!! I got it" he exclaimed. He finally got the answer and he seriously hope that this will be the best gift ever. The next morning, before he leave for school, he prepared the one thing he needed, a red ribbon, and tucked in his bag. The day went normal, and they left home together. Midorima has invited himself to Takao's house with an excuse he wants to study together. At Takao's house, Midorima excused himself to the washroom while Takao prepared tea for both of them not knowing the surprise that he's about to get. After awhile trying so hard to make sure it looks presentable, Midorima breathe in deeply. Oh gosh, this is embarrassing, he thought when he looked into the mirror, but this is the only present he can think of. Without dragging the time, he went straight to Takao's room (by that time Takao is already in his room with the tea). He opened the door and found Takao is getting ready for their study time, slowly and carefully he went to Takao's back and called out his name. "T-Takao~", "What is it, Shin-chan??", "H-happy b-birthday" he said it out shyly but his voice somehow appeared sexy when he said that. Takao turned around, and to his sight, a tall megane green haired guy with a red ribbon on his head. He bursted out laughing and hugged his Shinchan, never ever in his life he can imagine that his ace-sama will present himself as a gift to him, NEVER. But this whole thing has taken an interesting turn. "Shinchan!!! Are you saying you are my present today? You are so cute!!".. .. "I-im not cute nanodayo!! Y-you can use me today.. I-it's your b-birthday anyway!" he said it while letting himself hugged by Takao. .. .. "Shinchan!! U understand what    you're doing right now??".. .. "Y-yeah~ i-i am yours to-tonight.".. "Not tonight Shinchan!! NOW!! Damn! You are so sexy it's so unfair, but thank you, this is the best gift ever and i love you", with that, Takao pushed Midorima down and they had lots of fun that evening or maybe till the next day, you never know. What's sure is that Midorima is gonna get a sore back tomorrow and he will have to skip basketball practice *wink*.

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