Lonely no more: New Life

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// Urmm.. First of all, this is a continuation of what happened in the previous story. Aannnd, this is not a short story, so yea i broke the oneshot rule and also it being short, but just bear with me in this story k?//

Ten years have passed since i came to Shutoku. My life before Shutoku was hell. It's filled with pain and darkness. I lost my trust to everyone, especially human. The caretaker of Shutoku is a human. It was difficult for him because i didnt want to cooperate with him at first. I didnt trust him when he said that Shutoku is a safe haven for species like me. There is no safe haven for me at all. I closed myself up from everyone, everyone except one, the hamster that gave me the sunflower seed. I lost my voice due to my trauma so i can never speak, but hamster never leave my side no matter what. He'll follow me everywhere i go. I dont understand why he did what he did but i dont find it detestable. At least i know he wont betray me like everyone else. We had difficulty at first because we dont understand each other. I cant speak and i dont show a lot of expression on my face. By the way, i received a name from the caretaker, he named me Midorima Shintaro, i dont care. But, hamster calls me Shinchan. I dont quite understand the reason for it but i dont mind. If it's him, i can tolerate. Hamster's name is Takao Kazunari, but i like to call him hamster better, to me, he's my only friend. I will do anything to protect him. Ten years have passed. I slowly come to learnt that Shutoku is a place where species like me, those that was abandoned stays. Hamster belongs to the caretaker, he told me the caretaker found him on the trash bin one day and brought him here and has raised him ever since then. He trusted the caretaker so, slowly i start to develop trust towards him too. He taught me everything about Shutoku's system of finding abandoned hybrids or abused hybrids. Me n hamster were the oldest here, we were given the task of guarding and teaching the new hybrids that juz came in. Most of the time hamster will be the one talking and im doing all the muscle work. We work well together. There's nothing wrong between us. Until that day, hamster told me he likes me, he likes me in the romantic kinda way. I dont know what to say, i dont know how to respond to it. I told him it's impossible coz we're of different breeds. There is no way this can work. I realized this long time ago, i too have developed this unusual attachment towards hamster, but i told myself to stop this feeling from overflowing. It will only caused nothing but disaster and sadness between the both of us. I rejected him. I rejected him harshly. His face the moment i said no to him, was devastated. I couldnt believe what i did. The person i promised to protect for my whole life, i ruined his happiness with just one word. He left, without saying anything. Nightmare taunting me ever since then, hamster is gone. I couldnt find him no matter where i searched. Ive asked caretaker, he told me it's of no use, hamster is gone. He wont come back anymore. I was slumped into a depression state. It was all my fault. What the hell is wrong with me?!!! I love him, he's all i need and i pushed him away because we are of different breed?! What bullshit!! Im sorry hamster, im sorry.. If only i can say it out, i want to tell you how much u mean to me, how much i love you.. But, it's too late~

3 months has passed ever since the disappearance of hamster. Im back to being a closed person again. Ive always hide myself at the backyard by the small pond. Hamster liked it there. I came here everyday so that one day i can see him again.... ....

It was evening that day, i was there by the pond again, lying there, not to everyone's knowing ive been trying to practising to speak again. Ive mouthed the word "Takao" so many times. It was frustrating because i couldnt produce a sound at all, but i know i can do it. It was all because of trauma only. I can do it. Maybe.. Just maybe, i thought to myself, if i called out to hamster, he will come back. With that in my mind, i practiced every evening. "T-a~~" "T-a~~ohh" "T-a~~ohhh" my tears dropped. Yes i cried, i cried at my own foolishness for losing him, i said that he'll come back if i called out to him, but ive been doing this for 2 months, and i still cant say it properly.. What if.. What if i can never say it and he will never come back?? I dropped down still mouthing his name over and over again, clutching my shirt, it's so painful, my heart is so painful i couldnt even breathe. I miss him. I miss Takao. Please.. Come back!

"Shin-chan!" "Shin-chan, why are you crying??" I looked up. It's hamster! No! Something is different! He looks like hamster, he sounded like him, but.. he's not hamster.. He's a ra-bbit.. "T-a~~ohh". He gasped!! "Shin-chan?!!!! You spoke! You said my name!! You said my name!!" He lunged towards me and hugged my neck, it's just like when we first met. This is it, the warmth that ive been missing for so long. Takao, my love, he's back! I hugged him back calling his name over and over again. Tears flowing on our face and he kissed me. "Silly Shin-chan! Dont cry anymore~ im back now and i have lots to tell you, but you must tell me now, can we be together now?? You know i love you, and i know you love me too." He pressed his forehead against mine. I caressed his face and look into his eyes, no doubt this is my hamster, i dont care what his appearance looks like now, i know i dont want to lose him again. I pulled him closer and hugged his waist. I leaned in and gently kissed him on his lips, "Taaohh, aihh laffv yuhh" (Takao, i love you). I felt the need to tell him that at that moment, and i know it is the right moment to do so as well. He's back and that is what matters the most. Whatever happened in between, we'll deal with it next time. As long as Takao is with me, I dont need anything else. And his face that's full of pure joy and love, yes, that's what i want to see on his face. And i want to be the "person" that responsible for the happiness he feels all his life.
Author's note:
Yea~ sorry again for long story~ but they at least live happily ever after right?? Heheheh~ ;)

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