Smile for me

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"... ... So dont cry Takao, Im still here... ... " Midorima whispered while comforting a little sad hawk. He feels bad too for whatever that's been going on. They found out about it few months ago when suddenly Midorima collapsed. He was admitted into the hospital and diagnosed brain tumour last stage. What do you feel when you received news as such?? You'll feel frustrated, feel unfair, and feel like world is gonna end. But, not for Midorima.. "If this is my fate, then let it be my fate" was what he said when he knew about his condition. Everyone was dumbfounded by his reaction except for the GoM. They knew he will react like that and they wished him all the best. Takao on the other hand, was impacted the most. Now that Midorima is admitted into hospital for treatment, Takao has been taking care of him. It was not easy especially he really really likes this ace-sama of him. Unbeknownst to him, Midorima too harbours the same feeling for Takao, so he really feels grateful that he has this disease and it makes him happy. Although he's sick, he still made a lot of effort to go to school and attend basketball practice though he's just sit at the side and watch. It was not easy because although Takao is always there for him, he always appears sad and the pain expression on his face is unbearable. Midorima knows why and he wished that Takao will understand how he feels too. That's why this bring us back to the moment just now, Midorima hugged Takao after the practice which gives the little guy a bit of a surprise, "Thank you for always by my side especially during these moment.." Takao wanted to escape the hug, but was locked still in this warmth embrace when Midorima begged him to do so. "Please... Just stay like this for awhile and listen to me, i know i dont have much time left, you must be feel frustrated why evrything seems normal to me when in reality it's not. You need to understand this Takao, all my life there is not any happier moment than now, and this is because you are here by my side. Your presence made everything seems easy and bearable. But, you've been sad and i see pain on your face. Please.. Smile for me because that's all im depending now. I love you..." Takao has already started to cry when he heard those words and clutched on Midorima's school uniform tighter, his tears wetting the fabric leaving trace of sadness on his chest. "At least let us try to be happy during these times. Alright? So, dont cry Takao.. Im still here...  And i will always be in your heart too." It's like something heavy just being lifted up from Midorima's heart, a stream of tears jus dripped from his eyes as he closes his eyes. The hugs became tighter and the warmth is immense. And for the first time, Midorima wished that this won't be his fate, but he kept all these thoughts in his heart and will not let it out ever again.

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