100th day celebration

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"Huhhhhhh~", another sigh let out by Midorima. He's been like this since yesterday. Well, it's expected since the day after tomorrow would be the 100th day of them both being together. 'Them both', he and Takao, in a relationship for 100 days. Normally, he wont even believe that this could happened until one day Takao pulled him down and cast a spell on him. Thinking about that day, his cheeks went a shade deeper than his normal blush. "Damn you, Takao!" he whispered under his breathe before he continue looking through the small pets in the petshop. Why petshop? Lets just say that, Midorima googled some stuffs and found out that giving a pet to someone dear to you holds a romantic gesture, and that's why he's here thinking to get one for Takao. The problem is, he didnt know what to choose and he's been here since morning and has been sighing that the shopkeepers thought of calling the security guard. He could've called and ask Takao, but he at the same time he wants this to be a surprise so calling and asking would defeat the purpose. Man, he never been this frustrated before and this all is Takao's fault. Well.. Partly.. Cause he's to blamed for falling so deep in love with Takao too. Cant handle the fast beating of his heart and deep blushing, Midorima ran out of the shop and there goes another failed pet buying day. Midorima went back home dejectedly.

The day has finally come, the 100th day of MidoTaka, and yet Midorima hasn't decide on a pet for Takao. He's feeling so down yet he made it to their meeting place that morning when he heard something unexpected. "Yea.. Shin-chan is definitely a CARROT!!! Bwahahahhahah" Just like that a pang on his heart! Of all people, he couldnt accept that Takao would used that nickname on him, he felt betrayed, furthermore on their 100th day, he has to hear it from Takao's own mouth. Nothing was said and he turned his back and started to walk away broken hearted. Takao with his sharp sense realized Midorima and started to chase after him. "Shin-chan, wait up!! Why are you running away?!" He shouted. "Go away!! You!! Of all people, why would you call me that nodayo???" Midorima clearly doesnt like that and he's angry and hurt by that remark. Knowing that there is only one thing he can do to solve this misunderstanding, Takao pulled Midorima's towards him and planted a deep kiss on him. Just like the first time he confessed to Midorima, he planted the same kiss, and magic happens. Midorima knees went weak and he fell down. "Y-you.. It's not fair nodayo.." He said it softly, face blushed with shades of red that makes Takao's crazy. "But, you are so angry. This is the only way to cool you down.. Listen, Shin-chan.. You are a carrot, but you are my special carrot, my only carrot.. Remember that night when you.." Midorima's face went flushed red and with a swift move, he covered Takao's mouth and shoot him a glare. "Now you know why?? Can you forgive me now?" Takao's sheepishly asked. Midorima nodded and adjusted his glasses. "C'mon get up, we still have a date to go today!" Takao said and offered his hands to Midorima. "Where are we going??" Midorima asked. "To the zoo of course! You've been going to the petshop a lot, so i thought maybe you want to see animal hahahhaa!" Midorima's heart swelled up at that moment and hugged Takao from the back. "I can never be able compared to you, Takao. I love you a lot." Takao snickered and said, "Hai-hai!! I love you more, ace-sama!!"

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