Birthday Gift

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It was a normal day for the two of them. Going to school, basketball practice, having boring classes etc... But, Takao has been feeling down today. Why?? Because it's his day today, his birthday, everyone has wished him except for one. He's sulking and Midorima knew it. However, Midorima did nothing and it seems like he doesnt really care whether it's Takao's birthday or not. Takao is getting frustrated as the time goes by and he still got nothing from his most important person. Well, it's not like they're lovers but at least a birthday wish couldnt hurt, right? That's what he thought. He can still remember the secret party that he set up for Midorima on his birthday instead. "Urghhhhh!!!!" Takao screamed out of frustration before he stormed out of classroom after the bell rangs. Everyone was shocked but there is this one person with green hair and tapped fingers that just packed his stuffs with elegance and walked out the door following Takao. Outside the school building, as much as how unhappy he is, Takao still decided that he'll wait for his ace-sama because today is his turn to pedal the stupid rickshaw. Seeing his irritated, flushed red face (due to cold too), Midorima smiles to himself because he is going to do an outrageous thing. For awhile already, Midorima realized that he likes Takao, he likes him a lot, and Takao likes him too, it's just that Takao doesnt understand his own feeling. So, Midorima has been waiting, waiting till this day, to make him realize. Right after he reached in front of Takao, Midorima goes ahead and adjusted Takao' scarf. He's taken aback by Midorima's action but he is more surprised when Midorima kissed him on the forehead, RIGHT IN FRONT of all the students. "Happy birthday Takao, and this is my present for you, i love you, will you be my boyfriend?"... Takao gasped, speechless. Warmth filled his heart, his face is getting one shade redder. Slowly, he nods his head~
© Artist // #midotaka #midorima #takao #birthday #confession #gift #surprise

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