Chapter 1

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Something To Think About

Adam's POV

My best friend lives with me his name is Joseph. He was kick out of his house. He have a girlfriend Meagan, is like having bees in your house and it won't leave. His girlfriend is here all the time. I swear that girl is out to get me. She looks at me wrong, push me. How long does it take to push a guys buttons? She always makes Joseph and me fight for no reason. She been with Joseph for 3 years, and I can't stand the way she looks at him. He's mine I'll tell you, well not mine because he doesn't know that I'm falling for him.

How can I tell him with out losing him as a friend? How can I say I have feeling for him if her, himself is not gay? Ugh why does this got to happen to me? This suck.

"Adam, I'm leaving." Joseph shout from downstairs.

Suddenly I came downstairs mid-way and stop. "Where you going, Joseph?"

"To school I have to pick up Meagan." he said.

"Oh you going with that." I mumbled.

"What?" He question me.

"Nothing." I said walking the last of the stairs passing him I had a feeling he was looking at my ass so I move very slow so he could keep on looking at it. I look back and caught him staring at me.

"Uh, I have to go see you later." He said and with that he left closing the door behind him.

"Bye." I said even though he didn't hear me. Joseph been there for me since my parents left me.


I woke up because I didn't hear my mom calling me like she does every morning. I got up and went down the hallway to the living room, I heard someone talking coming in the living I saw that TV was on and on the floor. I notice that everything was gone, photos, the bookcase that was in the corner of the living room, the arm chair and sofa, there was only one small sofa, phone, lamps, laptop only mines was on the coffee table.

I walked in the kitchen there was no food, pots and silverware was gone. Where was my parents? I went to their room and knock when no one answer I entire it, it was empty like a cup waiting to get fill with water. What was going on? I ran to my room and grab my cell phone and called my parents. I thought they forgot that I was home.

*Ring, ring*

"Hello" My mom said.

"Mom, where are you? Where's dad?" I said.

There was shuffling sound and then she answer. "Honey, we are leaving you."

"Why?" I said almost to the break of crying.

"Because we no longer want you as a son." She said so clam and none-responsive.

"Is this because I told you that I was gay."

"Yes." She said.

I drop the phone and the line went dead. They don't want me anymore because of my nature to love any man. They could of said something I could of moved out if they wanted the house for them self. Why do it like this? What have I done? It's not my fault.

I Think I'm In Love With My Best Friend BOYxBOYWhere stories live. Discover now