Chapter 14

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Just Come Out With It


Meagan's POV.

Joseph just called me and asked me to come over. You know what he wants some Meagan's goodies. I can give him whatever he wants, unless he takes me back. When Joseph called me I was putting the groceries away.

"Hello," I said very sexy like because I knew who it was it was my baby.

"Hey, sweetie." Joseph said then I heard a muffling sound. "Hey, umm I'm kinda horny will you come over, don't worry about Adam his sleeping right now."

"Yes, yes. I'll be right over." I slammed the phone down and ran upstairs almost knocking over the vase my mom put there, stupid vase. I ran into my room and started to strip my clothes. Should I take a shower. I swipe my hand under my arm pits and smell it, nope just deodorant will do.

I got dress and fix my hair, grab my purse and run downstairs grabbing the keys that were in the hallway table and left the house. Getting into my car heading straight to Joseph's house. I knew he couldn't live without me.


Joseph's POV

Okay, so the plan was this. I will put a video camera in the living room and bedroom knowing Meagan she'll start in the living room and finish in the bedroom. This is her last change to prove to me that I can take her back, if not then she's history and I can finally move on from her and close this chapter in my life.

Fifteen minutes later, we were set up and running. Adam, Eddie and Shane were in Adam's room with set up camera to watch what was going to happen.

The Plan

She will come in and do her thing then, twenty minutes later I will leave to use the bathroom but in reality is to come to the room. Eddie would go downstairs and act like you woke up and had to drink something. If she ask why are you here just say movie night. Then if she try to seduce you let her after a while push her off and walk away. 

Then I'll come back and tell her that I eat something that didn't went down right and that I've been going to the bathroom all day. Another twenty minutes later I'll leave again and this time Shane would go down and stumble on the couch to watch TV. She will do the same thing.

They thought about it. This was the only way to do this. She knew that only Shane and Eddie stayed over this house. They all agreed into doing it. The plan is in motion. If she fail in this plan then she truly doesn't want to be with me.

Right on cue the bell rung. I walked up to the door and place my hand on the door nob. OK, this is it. If she wants to be with you she wouldn't came all this way, would she? Then, on the other hand she wouldn't cheated either. So that doesn't count. This is just a test, but test or not this is where it's giving her another chance or not.

I opened the door and Lord behold she was standing there with a mini shirt and a shirt that revealed a lot of her cleavage, and to think that she always dress like this never accord to me that she wanted more then just my attention. She wanted attention from every guy within 100 miles from here. 

"Hello, Joseph, sweetie. Aren't you going to invite me in?" She said while moving her cleavage out a little bit. I moved out of the way to let her in and to swallow the vomit that wanted to come up too.

"I knew you wanted me back, who can resist me any longer."

"Do you want something to drink?" I told her moving to the living room, she follow me in there and sat on the couch.

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