Chapter 18

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Aren't I A Confused Duckling


Shane's POV

What did I just do? I'm not suppose to act on my feelings. Didn't I lock that part of me a long time ago once I figure out what I was? Now I'm over here letting them lose like if I was a happy puppy again. I should put this hardcore body armor and act like that didn't happen If Eddie decide to talk about, which I pray that he doesn't. I was stupid and I shouldn't be doing stuff like that. Oh but that felt awesome and I sure want to do that again, what am I talking about? Oh, just admitted that your gay. You've been gay for a long time. It's OK to be yourself and not be someone you don't want to be, but I have to because of my father.

That asshole of my father made me played football, and guess what I hate football. I prefer to play basketball, but like my dad was a football player in high school and in college he thinks that I have to be one too. I even tried to talk to him about it but that was the worst decision that I ever made. I still remember what he said.

My dad got home from his usually trip. Which by now I'm so used to it and having my house to myself. He was in his office but he wasn't alone he had his friend Phil with him like always. I got home from school and went straight into the kitchen to prepare me the ultimate sandwich, ya'll know what I'm talking about especially if you walk home from school everyday. A person is bound to eat anything. But something stop me when I heard moaning, I didn't think anything about it, but it kept going. Now I'm curious about that sound. 

I guess my dad forgot to close his study door. When I went to the door, I heard moaning again and this time I heard a voice, a familiar voice coming from the room.

"Oh, yeah. Harding, you know how I like it."

"Sir, I think I'm going to-"

"Yes, come please."


I backed away so they didn't notice that I was there and I didn't even close the door because then they would of known that I watched them doing it. Oh, man so my dad takes it. Damn, I thought I would've been the other way around. Still, watching any of your parents do it that's disgusting. So, I made my way up my room and closing the door.

After ten minutes of thinking I'm going to rip my eyes out of my face. Someone was knocking at my door. Man, I really don't want to face my dad, but once I opened the door it wasn't my dad but Phil.

"I know you saw what happened in the office, please don't tell your mother that me and your been seeing each other."

Ya'll been seeing each other?

"Yes, I know I answer your un-voice question." He came in and sat down on my bed. I didn't stop him, why? well because to me Phil is like my mom. Crazy, huh. That's because he always cooked for me with a was small. My mom was always out the house right along with my dad. I use to see Phil more then my own parents. So he took it upon himself to raise me and let me tell you his doing a pretty good job.

"Why?" I finally found my voice. Considering I'm still young and not understanding what's going on. We all been there not understanding what grown up do at time.

"Well, Shane my boy." Here we go whenever Phil calls me "my boy" is something like the time I got my first pimple and was about to attack it with a q-tip. Hey we've all been there before, so don't judge me.

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