Chapter 10

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The Moment Of Truth

After a very long day they arrived at Richie's house, and they couldn't say house because that doesn't compare to what sat right in front of them. It was a mansion. You see when Joseph was growing up with him, he didn't see this but now it's different.

Joseph's POV.

What was sitting in front of me was a mansion? How did my uncle get this? Why you wondering why am asking this? Well, because you see when I was growing up my uncle didn't have this but a three bedroom house I would say four bedroom but an attic is not a room. So for anyone that say it is wrong it wouldn't be called an attic if it was a room, right. 

"Where did my uncle get this house?" I asked out loud.

"What do you mean?" Adam said right next to me.

"I mean that this wasn't the house I grew up with. I know you know it's not, either the state but if he had this money hidden why wait till now to so it. I think his just trying to rub it in my face."

"Maybe his not."

"Don't put him in your friends list, because once his there you wish you had deleted him a long time ago."

We walked up to the door, rung the bell and waited. To me the wait was killing me, now I'm regretting coming here in the first place. There's no turning back and plus Adam would kill me if I say something like that now after we are already here.

After a while waiting the front door open. A lady stood there wearing a maid outfit. "Hello, welcome. Come on in. Mr. Richie is waiting on you two in the library."

We walked in to this huge foyer. I can't even describe it right now. There's painting everywhere, plants, lamps and furniture's too. "The library is down the hall to the right. Oh, I'm sorry my name is Linda."

"Thanks, Linda. Nice home you got here."

"Oh, no, sir this isn't my home. I'm just a maid here, this is Mr. Richie's house."

"My uncle Richie's house."

"Yes, oh forgive me I thought you knew he was a doctor. He's been one for years now." She said with a puzzling look on her face.

A doctor huh, I wonder how that happen. "No I didn't. I'm just here on business and then I'm gone."

"Well, Mr. Richie said that you have a guest room upstairs I can show you the ro-"

"No, thank you, Linda. Like I said I'm here on business and then I'm gone. I have no intentions on staying here or setting a limb in this house ever again." I said with a more serious tone so she can understand me more clearly that I don't want to have a uncle and nephew relationship with this man.

"I'll be going now to the library thank you." I left with Adam right behind me and not waiting for her to answer me because I don't have time for that.

"You've could of been nice to her." Adam said to me.

"I don't have time for that, I could care less." I told him opening the door to the library.

"Linda--, Joseph you've came. It's been what a couple of years now."

"Yeah, I guess it has." I said closing the door and walking in but stop next to a con-join sitting chair.

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