Chapter 8

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Moving Forward

Joseph POV.

After a month of being with Adam. Every thing was going great. What more can I ask for? Now that I left Meagan. I have time to get to know him better. I mean I knew him, knew him but I want to know him more. Even though I knew mostly everything. Like how when he watch romantic movies he cries. When he watch scary movies, he fuss at the TV like if they can hear him. When he watches funny movies he cries and laugh at the same time.

I want to know him more, in a level that I never knew before like intimacy. I'm just scared that he don't want to go there with me. I mean I just started going out with him. Will having sex with him will ruin everything for us? What about going out? Ugh. I should ask him.

"Adam, can we talk?" I ask while walking in the living room. He look up. 

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked looking at me.

"Does our relationship ruined our friendship?" I ask him kinda scared of the answer.

"No, well," he look up for a moment "no, it should just make it stronger, I guess." he answer me.

"Why?" I ask sitting right next to him.

He turned off the TV, sensing that I wasn't going to drop the conversation like that.

"Well, because we- we're friends, like brothers we won't destroy it just make it stronger." He answered my question with a duh look on his face.

I was just scared that I, no, we would just ruined what we've built as a friendship. I'm just going to put it aside for now and ignore it. I don't know why I even brought it up. Maybe because I'm scared of what will happen. Do he even feel the same way about the relationship? I turned back to the movie again wondering why I even asked him that question.

Adam Pov

What did he mean about 'does our relationship ruined our friendship?' is he second guessing this. Should I ask him or not. He's been living with me for a long time now. Right after he came over that night it's been 2 and 1/2 years now. So in that time we've got to know each other and the ups and downs with Meagan for 3 years after that was horrible. I mean what did he even seen in her.

I got up to answer the phone because "Mr. Don't Interrupt Me When A Movie Is On" don't like noises when there's one on. So I got up knowing that he won't to answer the phone.

"Hello, this is Adam."

"Hello, is Joseph there I need to talk to him." A voice said sounded like a young man.

"Yes, he's here. Whose is this?" I ask rather annoyed that they didn't even introduce themselves. Don't you hate when someone calls your house asking for someone else they do it with an attitude. Ugh, black eye anyone?

"Can you please just put him on the phone?" He ask again, because now I know that it's a guy because now his getting annoyed.

"Maybe, When you tell me who you are?"

"Why you want to know?" He asked me. Are you serious, he was the one that called and I can't know.

"Because this is my house, and my rules is this, whoever calls my house I need to know who there are because if you're family to whoever lives here, I can call you or whoever is calling and give them information. Don't like it, don't call this house." *Click*

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