Chapter 7

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My Past

Joseph POV

"JOSEPH MOVE YOUR ***, WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY." My uncle Richie yelled at me.

I walked towards him and he slap me across my head. "Moron, I......"

It never stop the insults, the hitting, the name calling. All of us got in the car and went to the house as we park my uncle turned around and said, "Joseph, you're not getting nothing to eat for not listening to me at the store."

Everybody started laughing at me. I didn't cry for once in my life. I was actually happy that they were picking at me this time. Like their insults and compliments didn't faze me anymore I learn how to just grab all that and turn it in something positive and now I'm moving out of here once and for all and never and I mean never going to look back. 

I went to the attic, which was my room, I couldn't be in the living room, dinning room, kitchen. How I use the bathroom? I had to improvise. I had to sneak out the attic and grab something to eat, and considering I always put the food away all the time, so I had hidden places in the house especially in bathroom.

One night they went to sleep, and I creep from the attic as slow as possible, a bomb could fall in the house and they will never notice it. I went inside the kitchen, never turning on the light, because I knew this house from the back of my mind. I went to the refrigerator and open it, there was today dinner. I grab what my hands, pockets, and shirt can hold. I turn to walk out the kitchen.

I was half way to the attic when the lights of the hallway turn on, "What on earth are you doing?" My uncle Richie said. I froze 'oh crap' I thought. Walking towards me he snatch the food I had in my hands. "Are you stealing from me?" he snarled at me "I gave you a roof and you came in and do this to me." He slap me so hard that everything I had in my hands went to the floor.

"Honey, what's going on?" Auntie Susie said from the top of the stairs turning on the light.

"This ungrateful kid was stealing from us." He told her.

"After we gave you a roof and you want to do this to us." He told his eyes never leaving me.

"Go to your room, NOW!!!!!!" I moved quickly up the stairs I was about to go around my Aunt Susie when suddenly she slaps me across the face. "You could of just ask for food, not steal it." Are you kidding me I been asking--no begging--them for food for years and they never gave me none and now she's telling me to ask them, like really.

I went to the attic, after I was in there I heard the sound of the bolt lock, locking in place, meaning that I have no way out of here. Oh, so they thought that I didn't know how to climb down from stuff.

I waited and waited and waited some more. Until everything and I mean everything was really quite in the house, I went to my cabinets and grab my bag and putting everything I own- which wasn't much- in there, zip it up, put it behind my back. I grab the cover sheets-which from the last couple of month I been stealing for the closes--and behind making a long rope with it. I open the window, look out to make sure there was no bushes there and threw it over the window.

I wanted to look back, but for what? Why should I look back this is my past and when you leave your past you shouldn't look back. As I climb out the window and my feet touch the ground. All I thought was FREEDOM, I was finally free of my uncle, auntie and cousins. I turned and ran.

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