Chapter 20

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A New Beginning

Shane's POV.

Leaving the hospital we just got word that Joseph was sent home that's good he needs the rest but if they want to down and dirty then that's fine with me too. I think they need the stress reliever in staying in that hospital that long. Me and Eddie went home we didn't talk much and that's was fine with me. By the time we hit home Eddie was knock out, I sigh at the night that we all had. I parked, turned off the car and look at Eddie sleeping so soundly. I got out the car went around it and open his door, like his coming out anytime soon. I cradled him into my chest and he said my name, I smiled knowing that his thinking and dreaming of me and nobody else. I walked toward the front door, opened it without a glance back I closed it. Starting a new beginning just the two of us.

Adam's POV.

I almost kissed Joseph; almost being the key word. What was I thinking? Wait I wasn't. I wanted to kiss him feel his lips on me. The way he stop breathing when our tongue touch, when he jump just slightly when I touch his skin. The way he moan when I deepened the kiss. I pulled back, got up and left. Without a backward glance to him.

Joseph's POV.

Oh no his not going to walk away from me now. If he start something, he should finish it. I got up and walked out my room he was about to walked into his when I walked up behind him; he sense me and from the corner of his eye he look at me but keep on going. I grab his arm and turned him around I pin him against the wall and said, "If you're going to start something at least finish it" I said and kiss him. Not letting him answer me because If he did we will never get everything that needs to be out and what I mean about that is sex. I wanted him just as bad as he wanted me so why should me pretend any longer it's not doing any good.

As I had him pin against the wall, I moved toward his legs and pull them apart from each other. The moment I did that he became instantly hard and as I was kissing him I looked down and seen that not just him but me too, so I rub myself against his body and he pulled back, arch his body and his head went back moaning. That blow me up when he did that so I pick him up and took him to my room, closed and locked the door.

We just stared at each other. Not moving at all. Adam sat on the bed, just the way muscle flex my body responded to his. I walked toward him push him back against the bed and attack his lips again. I just couldn't have enough of him. Our lips melted against each other, our hands roaming in and out our clothes. Which by the way why do we have them on? I back up and strip my shirt and jeans I was barefoot so that was a plus. I only had my boxers on.

He look at him and he was undoing his jeans and shirt at the same time. It was cute how he looked lost for a moment but he regain his poster. He stood their with his boxers on, I walked up to him picked him up and lay him on the bed. As I was on top of him, I opened his legs and grind on him both of us moan and I attack his neck which he started to shiver. Mmm, I guess this is his weak spot. I guess he couldn't take it any more with this "clothes on" that he went inside his boxers and took out his penis and he did it to mine too.

He rub the skin together and we both stood up. I guess it hurted him more then me because he let his go but kept a hold on mine. He kept on rubbing mine and every time he does that his thumb would rub right on top of my penis that made me harder each time he does it. The more he did that the more I rub my penis against his. I back up a little and went to my drawer and took out a condom. I looked at him for a sec and notice that he wasn't scared. I took the condom out the rapper and placed it against me and put it on.

I got closer to him and pointed the head against his entrance. He tend up and back up a little. I hover toward him and push him down again. Whispering soothing words to him like, "Don't tense up the more you do the more it will hurt, so just relax, OK." As I pulled away he shook his head understanding what I was saying. I poked him again and entire with the tip, he just blinked at me. So, he didn't feel that one. I push my knee up and placed his hands on them, because I knew this one is going to hurt more. When that was done I push in more. When I did that I started the motion of going in and out his face was unreadable but the more I go in and out his features relax.

After a while he was asking me to go faster, I was looking at him confuse then I understood what he was saying. The faster I went the more pleasure he felt so I did what I was told. His muscle tend up, his back went in the air and his head went everywhere. It looked like a movie was playing and I was the bad person. Right after he stop moving his legs tighten around me and he grab himself and started to rub and rub and rub some more. After a while he came on his stomach he just lay there unmoved and I pulled out and started to rub myself until I came on top of him too.

I lay next to him and he got up without saying a word, went to the bathroom I guess to clean himself. Came back and lay right next to me, I grab him and put him on top of me and cover each other before Adam feel asleep he looked up and said, "I love you Jo." He snuggle closer and feel asleep. I hugged him tight and whisper to him, "I love you too, Adam."

What would it be if I would of let Adam go into his room? I don't think we would of made love. What if my ex would of still been here? I wouldn't have even notice Adam. What if I wouldn't known my feelings for Adam? Then I would be single right about now. I'm happy right now and I'm going to make Adam the happiest guy on earth. I snuggle and cover each other more and let sleep consume me.

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