Chapter 11

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Now What?

Adam's POV.

What are we going to do? Just on check Joseph heard my thoughts. "I think we should go home." I think he should just stop reading my mind, and think of his own thoughts but that's not what I said,

"Yeah, that sounds nice right about now." We stared to pack and put everything in the bags. I wonder if they are going to stop us in the airport because we have money out like that. Are they going to call the cops, CIA, Military??? Because having so much money like that is not common when traveling across country.

"How, how--?" I couldn't finished the sentence.

"How, what?" Joseph asked stopping what he was doing.

"How are we going to take this money?"

"Well, we can divide the money in different bags with clothes so nobody would notice. We have to be normal we can't let the security know that we have money that large with us."

"But what are we going to do with the money when we get back, if we get back. Maybe someone would notice and tell on us or, or, or--" He was talking so fast I notice that he was nervous but if he doesn't calm down now we'll get caught even before we get to the airport.

"Joseph David Hensen chill out." He didn't even hear me. "JOSEPH DAVID HENSEN. . .IF YOU--"

"Chill out Adam, I hear you."

I stop and stared at him. "Right, chill if you act like that in the airport they are going to catch us faster then you can blink you eyelashes."

"Your right, lets go to the airport even though the flight is in two hours but with traffic and what not."

Joseph's POV.

I was so excited that I wanted to scream. Even though my auntie didn't like me at all she left me money. Why? She had kids of her own that she treated better then what she did to me. What was the reason for this?

Why did Uncle Richie was giving me the money? He could of gave it to his kids. Why me? What was so special about me? All the abuse and now cash at the end. Was they buying me my happiness. I was thinking so much that I didn't realize that we arrived.

We claimed all our luggage and called a taxi to take us home. We got there and the feeling was killing me to send my Uncle Richie a letter so I went into my room and grab a pen and pad and started to write my letter. Leaving Adam to tend to the bags himself.

Dear: Uncle Richie,

I was wondering and thinking, Why did you gave me the money? You've could of gave it to your kids. What was so special to give it to me, even though you said that Auntie Susie hated me and I knew and seen that. She treated me--no you guys treated me wrong locking me in the room and not giving me food that's why I always stoled from you guys and I was suffering because not only did my parents died, but the only family members that I had treated me like an outsider. I don't blame you or Auntie Susie. I just wanted to be loved and be treated like a human being, not like a dog being lock in the attic with locks and chains. After I ran away, Did you guys went looking for me? Did you guys called the cops? Did you guys did posters and went around asking questions? Did you guys came out in the TV? I appreciate what you guys did for me even though it wasn't something I thought I would go through and expected from you guys. Thanks for everything.

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