Chapter 19

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What Happened?

Eddie's POV.

The sun was in my face, don't you just hate that. What happen? I moved around the bed and felt if Shane was there and he was. In fact, he was awake and staring at me. I cover my face, I'm not a morning person. Just give me an hour and forty-five minutes to get ready and drink my coffee then I'll be all yours. I turned around and Shane grab me.

"Hey," he said.

"Mmm," I answered back.

"Not a morning person are you?" He asked.

"No," I answered again.

"Okay, well then. I can get coffee ready." he said and the bed release from his weight.

Yay, coffee. I love coffee, I only drink it in the morning. It's the best thing that ever happened. Shane left the room in search of the kitchen, while I just lay there. Thinking about what happen last night. Are we more then friends now or no? Does he feel anything for me? Why I'm saying this because anyone can confess something to you in the heat of the moment then when you repeat it again to them to refresh their memory it wasn't something that they wanted to say but say it anyway. Do you understand me?

Last night memory flashed in my mind and I smiled. It was the best thing that ever happen to me, well I mean, Shane was the best thing that happen to me. I wonder if he knows that. I got up, showered and dressed made it to the kitchen just in time to hear Shane talking on the phone.

"We're on are way." Shane said to the other person on the phone. I came to a complete stop and looked at him.

"What happen?" I asked him.

"Joseph woke up." He said then he pointed to the kitchen counter. "There's you're breakfast, eat something then we'll leave." He walked out the room. I sat down and chow down everything on the plate. I got up put my plate in the sink and walk to the front door to grab my coat. We made it to the car. Shane opened my door, hey I'm not a girl but I'm not complaining either. I slip in and put my seat belt on, Shane got in too and did the same thing.

We drove in total silence. What was I suppose to say? That I enjoy last night. That's not coming out my mouth. We got to the hospital went up to the counter. Where the lady she looked like she's in her twenty sat.

"Hi, I'm here to see my friend." I told her.

She looked up and smile. "What's your friend name?"

"Joseph Hensen." I told her.

"What's your name, sir?" She asked.

"My name is Eddie and this right here," I pointed to Shane, "This is Shane." She check the list.

"Yes, you're names are on the visiting list. You can only stay for three hours." She said placing the clipboard down. "His in the second floor, room 214." She pointed to the elevator.

We walked away and found the elevator that she indicated. Pressed the button, the door open and we both went in. Shane pressed the button that took us to the second floor. We followed the numbers until we found room 214. We opened the door and saw that Joseph and Adam was watching TV.

We walked in. Adam spotted us first, "Hey, guys you've made it." He said hugging me and high fiving Shane.

"Who would miss this?" Shane said.

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