Chapter 12

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You Think You Can Get Rid Of Me


Meagan's POV.

He thought I was playing around well I wasn't. I was really pregnant and if he didn't take me back then what I was going to do. How did my life end up like this? I was the popular girl in school. Or you can say the Diva. Everybody knew me, everybody wanted to be me. Every guy wanted to date me. So, how did I end up with Joseph? Well It goes something like this.

"So, are you going to that party?" Lisa asked me.

"Well, duh, Lisa I'm going. I'm the one throwing the party." Let me tell you she wasn't that bright at all.

"Oh, that's right. So whose going?" She asked me while she was doing her make-up, which was so dark she looked like a clown to be honest. 

"Everybody duh." When I threw parties everybody came females and males, gays and none-gays (no pun intended). My house was pack with people doing all kind of stuff like having sex, drugs and of course drinking. What's a party with no alcohol? "Let's get the flyers ready so we can pass them on to people at school."


Meagan's Party Bash



If you can't come that's fine miss out in the best party ever. There be drinks, food and much more. There's even a pool.

P.S. Come and have fun. Don't come and miss out!!!

We went around the school giving out the flyers. I walked up to this boy, tall, dark and handsome. "Hey, you want to come to my party." I said to him once I sat down next to him. He turned and he looked like a Prince. "There's a party going around."

"Yeah, What's your name? I'm Meagan." I said to him.

"I'm Joseph." The boy said.

I feel in love with him the moment I spotted him. Instead of him asking me out I did. "Would you be my boyfriend?"

Joseph looked at me. I laughed, "No, I'm not kidding. I would like to go out with you though."

Something told me that he didn't want to do it, but at the same time he look like he didn't want to hurt my feelings either. So he agree in going out with me. I will make him happy though, even if I do mess around. He doesn't have to know that part though. Now that he is with me it's going to be really hard to get rid of me. What I want I get no matter what.

"Listen I'm throwing a party so come through now that your my boyfriend you have to present yourself to everybody."

"OK, I'll go."

This is the first step in getting you Joseph. I had my eyes on you, even though you didn't know that I was there.

Coming back from my past. I remember that day. He went to the party and boy did he see how a party really is. Everybody was having sex or drinking. He came in like he was a lost boy in the woods. I pick him out quick.

"You came."

"Yeah, but I think I'm going to--"

"Of course your not. Come on let's go to my room." I grab his hand and had to push him up the stairs, we were sqaush against the wall because there was three people having sex there. I walked to the end of the hallway and open the door, looking inside in case there was anybody in my room. There wasn't so I push Joseph in and close the door.

"What are you doing?" 

"Getting what is mine."

"And what's that?"


"Me, you just meet me. How can I be yours?"

"You are." I told him sounding very annoyed that he didn't want to be mine?

"But we just meet, how can I be yours If I don't know you. Look we can go out on a date OK. So this- whatever is going to happen now-won't OK." He said while pushing me off of him. His rejecting me. If I don't do this then he don't want me. Fine then I'll go to someone else then.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked me.

"Yes, I will." Don't matter if I go on a date with him. I'm still going out with someone else. Ha, in your face, this is what you get for rejecting me. Nobody reject me, ever.

"Ok, so I'll pick you up from your house say around nine."

"Ok sure thing." I'm still going to have my way with you Joseph don't worry about it you don't know actually who you're messing with.

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