Chapter 6

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It's Really Happening

Joseph POV

After we left the party, Me, Shane, Eddie and Adam made our way to a restaurant we order our food and waited 45 minutes, we eat and Eddie and Shane got up to leave "Hey we are leaving," Eddie said to me and Adam.

"Hey, I can take you guys." Adam said to Eddie.

"No, it's okay. Will walk, now we have to burn calories," Eddie said to him.

"Good night," Eddie and Shane said. Leaving the same way they came in.

I wasn't really paying attention to them. I can't believe that Meagan and Shane was having sex. I'm not mad at her because I knew she been cheating on me since we started the relationship she just thought that I didn't know that. I got the courage to ask Adam a question that was really bugging me. So I let it out.

"Adam, would you be my boyfriend?" He look at me, shock was in his eyes I think he was thinking that not to long ago I just broke up with Meagan and now I'm asking him out.

"Yes," he said. "Oh, and I love you too."

"What?" I question him with one eye brow up.

"Yeah, remember in school you told me that you love me." I looked at him. He smiled, "Yeah,"

"Well, I love you to." I smiled at him sweetly.

I got up went around the table stood right in front of him, grab him and made him stand up and kiss him sweet and then with hunger. I wasn't taking out my anger on Meagan on him. I really wanted to be with him. It look like I didn't but I did.

"Let's get out of here." I told him, before he even responded I grab his hand and lead him out the restaurant, to the car. We got in and drove to the house.

"Are you sure about this? Are you sick? Is you feeling OK?" Adam ask me, clearly stunned at what I'm doing.

I laughed, "No baby, I'm not sick and I'm feeling ok and yes I'm sure about this. I always had feelings for you. I just never told you and hide it away, that's why I was dating Meagan to hide it, but I guess it wanted to re-surface."

He look at me and didn't say anything of course he didn't. We got to the house and all the way there it was quite, nothing was said even the radio was off so you can say awkward any moment now.

Now that I'm with him, How is he going to respond to me? Is he going to treat me right, cheat on me like Meagan did. No that's not right I shouldn't be doubting him. I been living with him for so long that; that the need of protection is there. If anything happens to him, God forbid that I find that person because nobody is going to recognize him after I finished when him.

After his parents left him and I came in the picture, he was so depress about everything, nothing up lift his mood no matter what I tried or had done. Every time I ask him if he wanted to go somewhere he'll be like "Yeah." or "Whatever you want."

I started thinking about my parents. Would they be happy If they found out that I was gay, I know my mom will, I don't know about my dad though, he was a tough rock to crack. I don't even know If you can crack a rock, but that's how I put him. My parents were everything to me after that faithful night.

*Flashback* (Months before Joseph Meet Adam)

I need to find a place, and get out of here. My mom and dad stay fighting I don't know why they don't just get a divorce and get it over with. They fight about everything any little thing, furniture, tv shows. I stop talking to them long time ago, if I wanted to say something to them I have to keep them apart and tell them separately. 

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