Chapter 16

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Why Doesn't It End?



"Will, will you, ummm, will you married me?"

Adam's POV.

I was about to answer when out of no where and I mean out of no where, Meagan came popping up. God why do you torture me so much? I was about to cry, like literally, why can't I have my happy moments with out someone bimbo walking in and messing it up. And I'm not going into detail about what she got on because I'm not going to waste my energy on it. Did she ever hear what Joseph even ask me?

Oh, please don't let her answer him.

"Hey, Joseph." Meagan said bumping me out of the chair. What is she doing here anyway. Joseph got out of his chair and came to me, to lend me a hand.

"What do you want?" He said.

"Is that a way to greet your girlfriend?" she said.

"No, it wouldn't but considering that we're NOT together. I shouldn't be disrespecting MY boyfriend by calling my ex any type of other name their the one that her mother gave to you." He said taking a seat.

I get paranoid when Meagan is around, why? Well because everything violent only came to me. I'm like a magnet to her.

"Meagan what are you doing here anyways?" I asked her a little annoyed that she mess up this nice dinner and the announcement that Joseph said.

"I'm here to get whats mine, what you stolen from me in the beginning."

"What I stolen from you or what you let go? You never value Joseph you was with him for what? Three years and in those three years you cheated on him with Shane." I said while I got up now I was mad because she need to understand that Joseph will never get back with her ever. "And you know what, yes I will Joseph."

Joseph eyes lit up like a star. "Really, you'll married me."

That's when Meagan eyes went wild. "You asked him to married you. But why, why would you do this too me?" she asked him, tears forming in her eyes.

"How can I married a person that cheated on me?"


Meagan's POV

How can Joseph ask Adam to married him? I should be the one he should be asking not Adam. I guess I mess that up. I didn't notice that Joseph was right in front of me.

"Meagan, you should find someone that fit you. I don't think I'm that person for you. We don't communicate when we're together so how is that going to work if we're married? I'm sorry but I don't want to be with you. I want to be with Adam." He said very slow so I can understand what he was trying to say.

I turned around and walked out of the restaurant, that's when I felt the cold hitting my face. When did it get cold? I guess my heart is made out of ice. I just want someone to love me for me. When I'm with someone I feel like they belong to me and nobody else.

I got in the car and made my way to the school. Parking and getting out making my way to the office. Walking in I was greeted by Mrs. Clarkson. "Hey honey, what can I do for you today?" She asked me.

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