Chapter 3

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Get Ready

Joseph POV

He liked it. I thought he would be disgusted by my kiss. But no he actually liked it. "Come on, we have to go." I said to him.

As we was moving out of the kitchen, the front door open and Meagan came through it. "Hey babe." She said very excitedly.

"Hey." I said back.

"Listen I have great news Misty is have a party and I want to go pleaseeee." She said jumping up and down.

I look at Adam he had a look that could kill her right on the spot, but I just shoved it away and asked him. "So you want to go?"

"Sure." He said back.

"Great now lets go to school and then the mall after." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door; Adam was right behind me.

Once we was in the car she was still talking about the party, and what we should be wearing. "So, Adam you should wear a dress." She said laughing and looking back at him.

"Whatever." He said.

"Aww, don't be mad I was just playing."

"Yeah, right. You know you don't like me and I to you." I told her. She didn't say nothing back. Serves her from my lack of patience that I have right now; what I want to do is beat her to a pulp.

She turned around and started talking to Joseph while he was driving. I looked at him through the mirror; snickering at me he looked out the window. Why do I always let her say whatever she wants to him? I know that he don't like her. The image of the hallway and kitchen ran through my head. I wanted him so why was I with her.

As we got to the school yard, everything in the car got quite after a while. I look in the mirror and he was looking out the window as I look at Meagan she was doing the same. What am I going to do with these two. If I was going to married Meagan I want Adam to be my best man. I know he won't refuse that. Would he?

I parked the car and Adam got out and started walking toward the school. I got out and was join by Meagan by my side.

"Why do you always have to make him mad?" I question her with a serious look on my face.

"I don't know." She told me, trying to hug me at the same time.

"Sure. If you going to be with me include Adam in the picture too his my best friend and he's all I got." I said to her as I push her off me, turned and kept on walking. As I walked through the school halls, it was a busy day for a Thursday manly because tomorrow's Friday and a really big after school party. With posters on every wall about Misty's party. It could be a party of the year.

Meagan POV

Why do I love bothering Adam for? I don't know myself but it's fun that he is annoyed by me. I could care less. I had Joseph as my boyfriend, but Adam don't seem to like me. I hope he doesn't find out that I cheated on Joseph before even Joseph don't know that. He's so gullable he thinks that I'm just with him but I'm also with the quarterback of the football team, Shean, he's so hot and better looking then Joseph. Every time I'm not with Joseph. I'm with him. I lie to Joseph that I be sick or whatever, and he buys it like a good little boy.

I Think I'm In Love With My Best Friend BOYxBOYWhere stories live. Discover now