Chapter 5

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Meagan's POV

"Why is you lying? You were here having sex with me and Shane." I said to him.

"No, I wasn't and you know it. You just want to blame me for your breakup." I told her.

"Why?" I ask him.

" 'Cause you don't deserve Joseph his to good to be with you, a girl that can get any guys she wants. You're the type of girl that don't need to be in a relationship if all you want to do is have sex. I did this so Joseph can open his eyes on you. He's gay and he doesn't even know it." I told her very calmly.

"Ne he's not, he's with me." I scream at him.

"Apparently you're not anymore." I said to her turning around and heading out the door.


"Whatever, Meagan you got nothing on me. See you, I'm going to go and enjoy the party." He turned and left me there, naked.

I brought this on myself. This isn't the first time that I cheated on Joseph with any guy that I meet with. I really can't blame Eddie, or Shane, or anybody else by myself.

I been lieing to him for the entire three years of out relationship and I can't seem to stop it. I love sneaking around and being with every guy that I meet. I put on my clothes and head out the bedroom.

The house was still pack with kids, I made my way downstairs walking around and came upon Joseph, Adam, Eddie and Shane eating and drinking. I tried again to talk to Joseph but he turn his back to me and kept on talking to the guys like If I wasn't there, and probably I wasn't here. I turned around and left the party.

Adam's POV

I stop dancing with the guy and told him that I'm going to find me friends and thank him for the dance. I walk to the dinning room and found the guys there talking and eating. I saw Joseph pissed off like something was bothering him.

"What's wrong, Joseph?" I ask him.

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it ok." He said to me clearly mad at something.

"Ok." I grab a soda and started talking to Shane and Eddie. Joseph was quite all the time and didn't interact with us he was in his own little world. Meagan suddenly appear and tried to talk to Joseph but he turned around and grab some chips and made it seem that she wan't there and the chips where the best thing in the world. She turned and went through the front door.

Something is wrong I grab Shane and Eddie hands and lead them to the kitchen. "What's going on with Joseph?" I ask both of them.

"Didn't you hear?" Eddie said. "Joseph caught Meagan and Shane, here, having sex and he broke up with her. That's why he's not talking to us because he's mad.

"What? Why you had sex with Meagan?" I directly ask Shane.

He laughed in my face, "She's been behind me the same time that she been with Joseph, she been cheating on him since she started the relationship with him like 3 years now. I'm glad I did it, because now he can open his eyes and notice you."

I just stood there. "No need to hide it anymore, Adam, give him some time to forget her and do you're thing."

I knew she been cheating on him. I just knew it. I couldn't put my fingers on it. I can't let Joseph go this easily. I have to up the game now and twice as hard too. "Come on let's get out of this party and grab something to eat."

We made it out the kitchen and into the dinning room, Joseph was still in the same spot. I grab his hand and made it out the party. All of us made it to the car, got in the made it to a restaurant that was still open at this time.

We got out and went inside, the waiter came and sat us down, we order our food and waited for 45 minutes until it arrive. We began to eat. After we finish eating Shane and Eddie got up, "Hey, we are leaving." Eddie said to me and Joseph.

"Hey, I can take you guys." Adam said to Eddie.

"No, it's okay. Enjoy the night," Eddie said to him.

"Good night," Eddie and Shane said. Leaving the same way they came in.

Me and Joseph just sat there. Not talking or nothing. He was looking at something. Should I ask him what went wrong? No, because I know what happen, Meagan had sex with Shane and Eddie found out and told Joseph and Joseph caught her in the act. Whoa. That's all I can say. What can I say to break the ice?

Should I confess my feelings I think It's to early for that considering he just broke up with Meagan. Should--

Suddenly my thoughts was interrupted when Joseph spoke up.

"Adam, would you be my boyfriend?" I look at him. Is he serious he just broke up with Meagan like -I look at my watch- an hour ago and his asking me out, is he sick, apparently his not.

"Yes." I said without even thinking about it. What's there to think about the man of my dreams just asked me out. I didn't need to over think or sit there and tare at him. I gave him his answer and he was the happiest man alive.

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