Chapter 9

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A Free Trip

Joseph Pov

"Did you get everything?"

"Yes, now can we go. Joseph breath. I understand that it's a big decision that you've made but if you don't put your past behind you; you're never going to move on for good. It's that what you want."

"Yes. This is what I want. What if I don't forgive him?"

"I think you will."

"How you do you?"

"Well, because you need this forgiveness. If you don't spread the bread with butter then you're never going to eat it."


"If you don't forgive him then you're never going to move on with your life and you're going to feel a pain in your chest that you think that you're having a heart attack."

"I understood your first comment."

"Ugh, can we go now." 

"I think I'm going to be sick."

"Well, hold it because the flight it's long and I don't got time to tell anybody that you have stomach ache."


Adam Pov

*2 hours later*

We are now waiting to board the plane but we're two hour earlier because Mr. ants in his pants couldn't wait. Now I'm having coffee withdraw. I didn't even had the time to drink my coffee at home so I left it on the counter getting cold. I blame Joseph he push me out the door before I even headed to the kitchen. Now my coffee is going to get cold (I think it's already is) and rotten. 

"I want coffee." I didn't even wait for him to answer and this time I'm having my coffee weather he likes it or not.

"Didn't you already had your coffee?" he asked me not wanting to move from where we was standing, which was right in front of the entrance gate to Montana.

"Are you serious, Joseph?" I ask kinda annoyed that he even ask me that stupid question.


"Well, mister, no I didn't for your information I was going to go grab it when you push me out the door to get here TWO HOURS EARLY." I said the last part loud so he can understand me. I do act like a two year old when I don't have my coffee. I mean it's my drug. Those people that understand me will know that coffee for us is like heaven in the morning or evening when we have our cups. He will never understand me. EVER. He was shaking but I don't think it was from me screaming at me. I think he was nervous to meet his uncle again and under these circumstance it wasn't to be good. I just knew it.

"Oh, sorry. But hurry back."

"Joseph, It's next door."

He looked up and saw Starbucks. "Oh, right I knew that."

"Right." I went in and order a Skinny Flavored Latte. I payed my drink and left the shop to go back to Joseph who was still waiting for the flight.

"Is it here jet." I ask him looking at the flight information.

I walked up to the sell girl. "I'm here to confirm our flight tickets."

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