Chapter 2

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What Was That?

Adam POV

Once I got back I thought Joseph was here already, but I was wrong of course not he's going to be with that bimbo. I headed straight up the stairs I knew he wasn't there because he's bedroom door was close, when his there it's wild open not caring who looks in.

I went to my bedroom which was big with a laptop, tv mounted on the wall on one side and the bed right in front of it. I sometimes keep it clean but come on I'm a guy it's only as much as we can do.

I took a shower went downstairs and pop in a movie. As the movie started, I heard the keys turning and I thought it was the movie that I was watching which by the way was a scary movie. Just my luck Joseph walked in and I thought it was the end of me I jumped and screamed at the same time "Ahhhh."

"What happen?" Joseph said running straight in the living room looking around thinking there was someone there with me.

"OMG, you almost gave me a heart-attack." I turn and look at him and back at the movie.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you will be asleep by the time I got home." He said while taking a seat next to me.

"I couldn't sleep so, how did it went?" I said in a jealous way looking at him.

"Ok, I guess. I didn't ask her." I said very surprise of myself.

"What?" You didn't ask her to married you, Why? After you went to buy the ring." I question him.

"I don't know. I felt weird asking her, I felt weird being with her, kissing her, hugging her. I don't even know If I love her that much to even ask her to married me. You know." He said. "I think I'm going to take the ring back."

"Yeah." But it was a whisper. "So what you going to do? Are you going to break up with her?"

"Maybe, I will, but I don't want to break her heart." He grunted.

I just look at him, how his jaw line looked and his unshaved hair, his lips look rich. When he looked at me his light blue eyes sparkled with excitement. Man how I wanted to kiss him right here, right now.

What was keeping me from doing that, as I got close to him to do what I had in mind his phone rang very loud making me jump and he looked at his caller ID, great the bimbo is calling him. Didn't he JUST left her at her house can't he HAVE a break from her.

*Sorry.* He mumbled he got up and walk upstairs to his room.

Great I had my one and only chance to kiss him and. . . .was he going to kiss me back it looked like it. UGH that bimbo got to go like bronto.

Joseph POV.

"Yes babe, I got home I'm going to take a shower I'll talk to you tomorrow." Not really listening to nothing she is saying.

As I hang up the phone, I walk into my room and I sat on the bed thinking about what I was going to do with Adam on the couch.....I was going to kiss him and Meagan had to call precisely on that moment. Ugh my life is confusing I'm gay or bi. I don't know what I am. I got up and went to the bathroom and turn on the water and took off my shirt off and walk out to lay in the bed. Thinking of what I'm going to do.

Adam POV

As the movie finished I got up turn off the TV and lights and made my way upstairs I pass Joseph door I heard the water running so I thought he was taking a shower but he was laying on his bed with no shirt on. Man that was hot.

Suddenly he look up at me and we just stare at each other, he started to run his fingers up and down his chest. I walked very fast to my room, close and locked the door. I heard his door close loud. Now that made me fall more in love with him. Ugh these stupid feelings need to go away.

Joseph POV

I close the door to my room. I caught him looking at me. Ha, well that amusing to know that. I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower and going to bed. Tomorrow's class and I don't want to get up late.

*Next Morning*

As I got up I showered, brush my teeth and made my way to the kitchen for some coffee with milk which was my favored thing in the morning. Adam was already up and eating cereal on the table. I made my way to the coffee pot pour the water and add the black stuff, not just waiting for it to brew. I didn't want to look at Adam because I knew that last night was going to pop up and I didn't want that.

"So, I'm sorry I saw you half naked, passing your bedroom I thought you had your bedroom door close." he said very nervously, not looking up.

"That's fine. I like that you look at me." I said.

"Really." With a merciful smiled on his face.

"Yeah." I sat down with him, now it got awkwardly quiet.

"Now let's eat and drink up we got to go to school."


After we got done we both got up and went to the sink we bump into each other and Adam almost fell but before he fell I caught him. He rebound and we was face to face, nose to nose. We look at each other and then the unthinkable happen I kiss him, I thought he was going to push me away but he responded to my kiss it was light and it looked like our lips didn't touch, but it didn't matter I was kissing Adam and he was kissing me it felt RIGHT for once in my life.

All the kisses I had before didn't compare to the one I'm having with Adam right now.

We broke our kiss and we just stared at each others, not moving or saying anything.

"Sorry." Adam said to me.

"Don't be. I like it." I told him.

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