Chapter 15

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I Think I'm In Love With My Best Friend


Joseph POV.

After the movie was done. The room was quite, I looked around and see Eddie and Shane asleep. Just me and Adam was awake. I looked over to him he was so into the movie, which he seen like millions of time...Titanic. He was saying the words which he knew by memory.

I check on Eddie and Shane again. And I swore that I seen Shane eyes open but when I looked at him again he looked like he was asleep so I shrug it off and move to wear Adam was at.

He didn't even notice me until I touch his shoulder lightly. His head turned to me with light tears in his eyes. He look adorable and I couldn't resist anymore. So I lean in a kiss him and I was shock when he kiss me back, I push him lightly and he put his hands around my neck holding me there.

"I think I'm in love with my best friend," I confess to him.

He just looked at him but his eyes darted behind me and squeeze tight together. I looked behind me, I only saw Shane and Eddie asleep. "What's wrong?" I told him once I looked back at his direction.

"Nothing, I thought I saw Shane's eyes open."

We both looked back again but nothing happen. "Maybe, it was your imagination."

"Maybe, it was."


Shane's POV

I almost got caught. Did I just hear and saw correctly? Did Joseph just confess to Adam that he loves him? Should I wake up now? Awkward. I was debating about waking up but a hand suddenly shook me up.

"Wake up, Shane." An angelic voice was talking to me. "Shane, Shane, Shane wake up, Shane." This time I recognize that voice and it was Eddie's voice. OMG his touching me. Why am I acting like this?

I open my eyes slowly just to see Eddie's face right in front of mines. I jump up and accidentally bump head to head against him. "Owww, what's the problem, Eddie." I said holding my head in place thinking it might pop off any second now.

"Sorry," he said, "Was waking you up to go out to eat?" He ask.

"Yeah, sure." I got up and notice that Joseph and Adam wasn't where I last saw them. Did I feel asleep? Maybe I did. "Where's the food?" I said getting up and making it to the kitchen, which was empty. I walked out and Eddie was sitting with his head down.

"Eddie, where's the food?" I repeated again.

"I was asking you out, Shane." he said still not looking at me.

Oh, I didn't realized what he was doing. Hold up, does he know that I'm not gay, well I am but I'm not ready to come out though. So, this can be innocent. So, nobody knows that I'm gay and I'm not ready for them to know.

I didn't realize that I haven't answer him when I saw half his body going straight to the front door. "Wait," Did that really came out of me? He turn and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yeah, sure, but there's nothing between us and this don't mean nothing."

"Great, umm, I just have to go home and take a shower I pick you up at let's say," He looked at his watch, "nine." he said.

"Yeah, I have to head home too." I was waiting for him to turn and leave but he didn't and stood there just staring at me.

"What happen?" I ask pointing at him.

"You came with me Shane." He said placing a smile on his lips.

"Oh, right. I did, didn't I." I said.


"Where's Joseph and Adam?" I ask noticing that the house was quite.

"They went somewhere don't know. When I woke up they weren't here and they didn't left a note either, but Adam left a spare key to the house he knows that were coming back here tonight."

"Right, let's go." We walked to the front door, grab our jacket and lock the front door. Adam should have a key too if he gave us the spare key.


Adam's POV.

Well like me and Joseph couldn't wake up Eddie let alone Shane we left them alone in the house with a spare key of course. I don't want to come home with a broken window or door, then to see the neighbor calling the cops. There are some noise people around here.

Right now me and Joseph are across town eating at a restaurant. Let's go back and show you how this happen.

Recap (back to the living room)

I was sitting on the floor watching my favorite movie Titanic. I've watch this movie so many times that I know the words by heart. You know when you have that one movie or TV program that you see over and over again you know every word said even before it's said. Well this one is it. Titanic. 

After the movie was done. The room got really quite. I was about to get up and go take a shower but I felt a hand on my shoulder making me stop halfway. From the corner of my eye, I saw Joseph hand. I turned to give him my attention. He was looking at Shane and Eddie. After a while, he turned around to face me.

Out of nowhere he lean in and kissed me so I kissed him back that's when he said something that caught my breath in my windpipe "I think I'm in love with my best friend." Once he said that I thought I seen Shane's eyes on us so I look directly at him making Joseph look back and then to me.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"Nothing, I thought I saw Shane's eyes open." We look again and nothing happen. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me.

"Maybe, It was your imagination."

"Maybe, it was." I said getting up and was making it to the kitchen. When Joseph was right behind me.

"Hey, you want to go grab something to eat?" He said.

(End of recap)

So now we're here at this restaurant having dinner. Not something to eat. Something to eat is grab and go. This is going across town and picking out a restaurant and sitting down and having dinner.

"Is this a date?" I said. I couldn't hold my excitement any longer. 

"Umm, well, if you want it to be." He said looking over at me from the menu.

"Err," I said to myself. Dummy of course it's not. I place my hand on the table and suddenly a hand went over it.

"Yes, Adam. It's a date." He said.

My eyes went wild. "Really."

"Yeah, look at where we're at."

True this is a expensive restaurant, but what that has to do with it.

"Adam, can I ask you something?" 

"Yeah, sure what's up?" I said looking at him when I notice that he was nervous. When have I seen Joseph nervous, let me check, ahh never.

"Will, will you, ummm, will you married me?"

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