Chapter 4

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Eddie POV

Yes, going to the mall with Adam and Joseph with hid girlfriend Meagan. Which I got to say she is beautiful. I don't mind hitting on her while Joseph is there. But man that girl got a body to die for.

As the bell rung for the last day of school. I went out my room and went to Adam's class when I got to the door Joseph and Meagan was there waiting for him too.

"Was up." I said walking up to Joseph and Meagan.

"Hey." Joseph said.

"Hello." Meagan said. Looking sexy in tight jeans and one sleeve-less shirt.

"Hey, Meagan. How you been?" I ask her ignoring Joseph completely.

"I'm good. You going with us to the mall." Meagan said to me.

"Of course, Adam invited me to come." I looked at her and gave her my best smile. Oh yeah she's going to be mine.

"Nice, well welcome to the gang." Meagan said.

"Thanks, I'm happy to be here." I said to her. She look really good. How she doesn't know that Joseph is gay, I mean come on I even know that, but I won't betrayed him like that to tell her. I think he only went out with her just for a cover up. I even know that he is attracted to Adam, but does Adam know that.

As Adam got out of his class. We made are way to the car. Got in and drove to the mall. Which was about an hour drive but enough time to strike a conversation with Meagan again completely ignoring Adam and Joseph all together.

"So, Meagan. You look beautiful as ever." I look at her from head to toe and back up.

"Thank you, Eddie."

"You're welcome, anytime."

"So, Meagan, How's you're relationship with Joseph going?" I ask her. She look at me and Joseph. Again ignoring him and paying complete attention to her. You see what they need to understand about me is that once I like something and I'm always around it I'm going to get it weather they like it or not. What's mines is mines. End of story.

"Ummm, is good. I can't complain. We're going strong for about three years now," She said.

"That's good I'm happy for you," I said with envy in my voice, but nobody catch on to it.

"Thank you. So do you have someone?" she asked me.

"No, I'm single but looking though." I answer her question. She turned to me.

"Really, well Adam here is single. Right Adam."

"Whatever." Was all Adam said. I can see that Adam and Meagan don't get along to well. But I'm going to help him out here.

"Naw, I don't want a boyfriend. I want a girlfriend, then maybe I find a guy along the way if she's comfortable in sharing me and the relationship." I said without guilt in my voice.

She turned around again and look at me and I saw that she wanted to try. Don't worry I thought to myself you're going to try it with me alright. She turned back. I just took the first step, now I have to play the game really good for her to fall. After an hour drive we got to the mall, which was full like always.

We park the car, got out and walk in. It's full but half of the people are kids from our school shopping for the party. Every store is full there wasn't that much room to walk, so that left for us to push people. We went to every store that was there. We bought clothes, shoes, accessories, everything possible.

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