Chapter 1: Tragic With a Capital T

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I though that it might be wise of me to say that the girl in this story has a plan to suicide. 

If this upsets you or has the possibility of triggering anything I suggest to read another one of my stories. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.


BTW a picture of what I imagine Fallyn to look like is in the sidebar.


I looked down at the water churning underneath the century old bridge.

Just like the town and its inhabitants the water was dim and dirty, holding so many bits of decay and ruin.

I'm not sure how long I've been standing out here for, an hour or two maybe? Mum wasn't worried, she thought that I was staying the night at a friend's house, and my friends didn't care what I'd been doing out on the filthy streets of Blackford, destination nowhere.

The second my feet left the old porch that was long overdue for a paintjob I came to the only place that I could find any alone time in a place where your business was everyone's business.

When I left home it wasn't with a particular agenda in mind, well there might have been some echo of a plan lingering at the back of my skull.
My mother hadn't asked me any questions when I hitched the large black duffle bag up on my shoulder and told her that I might be back at some point.

She loved me, only not enough to really care. I got away with anything that I wanted and she never told me off or grounded me so I'd push my limits hoping that one day Mum would tell me that she was worried and that I'd gone too far. 

I had a feeling that I'd be waiting for that moment until the day I died, and if things went the way I wanted them to that would be tonight.

The duffle bag had been filled with my clothes and any personal objects that I couldn't bear the thought of parting with. It wasn't much stuff but it would be sufficient until I could hitchhike into a faraway city and find a place to work.

That had been my original semi-formed and unhatched plan, but now that I looked at the dark murky water moving at a rapid pace underneath the large bridge that the town built itself around, a new thought popped into my mind.

I could throw myself off the bridge and nobody would ever know, there is no doubt that I would either drown or die from the impact of missing and hitting a crop of rocks.

This is the kind of way I'd want to kill myself, I've always liked water so why not end everything through drowning. 

It seemed like a nice way to go, I'd wanted to go diving for ages but have never had an opportunity so killing myself this way would allow me to do that before it go.
My friend Katelyn was going to be coming with my mother and I to the lake we'd holidayed in every summer and winter. 

Lake Blackwater, the name didn't make the place sound that appealing to that's why Mum and I stayed there, people wouldn't come and annoy you.

The lake looked nothing like the name made it sound; it was crystal clear, beautiful and surrounded by miles of untouched wilderness with the exception of a few well-built log cabins.

I have to admit that I would love to see it one last time before I died, but there was no time for that now. I'm here and in the right mindset...that's if it's possible to have a way of thinking before you kill yourself.

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