Chapter 12: If You Were Here

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Fallyn's POV


I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight and gave a big yawn.

The sunlight was streaming in a small window and I pulled the shade down so my bed could be in darkness again.

Peanut chirped next to me so I sat up and patted her, she must be hungry.

I began to talk to her but she jumped off the bed and disappeared behind the curtain, leaving me sitting there with my mouth stuck at the beginning of a word.

The memories from last night slowly climbed back into my mind and the chat I had with Katelyn did a rerun as I stared into the darkness.

Was she even here or did my grieving state cause me to imagine everything?

With a sigh I dropped back on my pillow and flinched as something dug into the back of my neck.

I sat back up and pulled my pillow to the side and looked at the beautifully wrapped small black present that sat on the blankets.

I wasn't dreaming, I thought picking up the present Katelyn gave me late last night.

Before it disappeared into a puff of smoke I ripped into the gift, hoping there'd be some proof it was from Katelyn.

As I tore away last pieces of paper I got to see what the square present was and tears came to my eyes.

It was Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, that's what she'd gotten me for my birthday.

I turned over the album and looked curiously at the small piece of white paper that stuck out the side.

I opened the cd case and watched a folded up envelope fall onto my lap.

It's like a game of pass the parcel.

Trying to not give myself a paper cut I opened the top of the sealed envelope and pulled out a letter.

'Happy sixteenth birthday Mist! Somehow you've managed to make it this far without murdering anyone.

I hope you like the cd, I'm not sure if you've heard of the band but I have a feeling you might like them, haha.

Don't worry about the other pieces of paper in the envelope, it's just scrap.

I love you loads and hope that you have a great, chocolate cake (made by mwa) filled birthday.

Enjoy the useless scraps of paper!

Love, Kat-e-lyn.'

My mouth burst into a smile as my eyes scanned over her letter, this is exactly what I needed right now.

I shook the rest of the envelope's contents into my lap and looked at the four pieces of rectangular paper.

With the smile still on my face I picked up two of the pieces of paper.

She got me bus tickets to Seattle?

These tickets would have cost heaps but I still didn't understand the meaning behind them.

I picked up the two other pieces and read the words printed clearly on the front.

My Chemical Romance,


Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

18th of December, 8:30pm

Dance pit.

"Oh my god!" I dropped the tickets on my lap as tears sprung to my eyes and sobs began to take over.

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