Chapter 6: I Don't Remember, Why Remember?

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Fallyn's POV


I rolled onto my right side and felt my hand fall into open air which caused me to roll back to my left side so I wouldn't fall from where I was.

After a couple of minutes I carefully opened one eye to see a small amount of light beaming in from a porthole like window.

When my eyes adjusted I moved closer and looked out the window, there was nothing but a bunch of open fields and the occasional farm house.

Shit, it was like looking out my bedroom window, except the view was moving.

The sun still hung low in the sky but it gave off a vibe that made me think it was early in the morning.

Geez, what happened last night? I remember waking up after drowning, I coughed up a whole bunch of water, then I met Frank Iero and Gerard Way and had a shower.

I got out of the shower and talked to Frank on the couch and he offered to fix up my arm and I told him the Greek legend of Cupid and Psyche. I don't remember a anything after that, I must have fallen asleep telling him the story.

I looked at my arm and the wound was gone, now there was just a faint pink line where it's been before. Huh, looks like he wasn't kidding about magic, although I was a fast healer.

Maybe I'd slept for a lot longer than just the night.

Where am I anyway, I thought sitting up and pushing a blanket off me.

Did one of the guys put me in a bunk?

I picked up a book jammed between the bed and the wall and opened it, there were pages filled with song lyrics and drawings.

One of the drawings looked similar to the cover of the Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge cd. This must be Gerard's book and that means this is his bunk as well.

Oh my god, I'm in Gerard Way's bed. I never saw this coming in a thousand years.

Not wanting to intrude on his thoughts I closed the art book and put it back into its place against the wall.

My bladder reminded me that I was only human and I'd slept a long time so I pulled the curtain back on the bunk and looked out to see how far I was from the ground.

It doesn't seen to be that far, I thought dangling myself off the side and carefully lowering my body down.

My feet touched something solid, presumably the floor and I let the bed go.

I couldn't tell which bunk belonged to who, with the exception of Mikey who had his curtain pulled back.

His bed was second up from the ground so it was quite high but I was almost certain it was him because I could see a beanie and he was the only band member who wore a hat.

I tried to be careful as I walked out of the bedroom area and into the living room which was empty of all people.

Everyone must still be asleep, I thought taking a look at the tv which was turned on.

Good Morning America was on the screen and the time said seven am, this was the first time in forever that I've woken up so early.

What was I supposed to do until they woke up, sit on the couch and watch tv maybe?

Or I could go back to the bunks and try to sleeps some more, not that I was feeling tired.

I decided I'd go to the bathroom first.

If I felt like it I could scare them all awake, I laughed out load thinking that I'd never do something that mean.

While stifling my laugh with one hand I opened the bathroom door with the other.

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