Chapter 2: So Long and Goodnight

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“Stop! What are you doing?! You’re going to hurt yourself!” A voice yelled at me before I got a chance to make that tiny which would send me falling into the chaotic icy water below.

Slowly, making sure that I didn’t fall I turned around to look at the person who had just interrupted me, freaking bastard can’t they see its none of their business?

“What the hell do you want?” I said standing at my full height of 5’2 and crossing my arms while entering full on teenage bitch mode with extra sass.

“What are you doing? You’ll die if you jump off the bridge.” No shit, I thought looking at the guy who stood a couple of feet away from me next to a bus.

A couple more people got off, I couldn’t tell what they looked like from here but I think that they were all guys.

“I know that I’ll die, why do you think I’m standing here? So I can enjoy the view, no I plan to kill myself now can you please go away.” It wasn’t asking him and his friends to go away, I was telling them.

“I’m not going away; we might be able to help you or something. What’s your name? Do you live near here?” As he talked I took a step back and felt the heel of my foot touch the edge of the bridge, if he didn’t leave in a couple of minutes I’ll just have to throw myself off here with them watching.

“You don’t need to know my name or where I live. I’m nobody and I want you to go away. I’ve thought this through and I have a good reason to kill myself, and before you ask, no, I won’t tell you why.” He took a couple of cautious steps towards me and was followed by his friends, now that I he was out of the blinding bus headlights I could see him properly.

The first thing that I noticed was the he was short, maybe 5’5-5’6.

The second was that he had black and blonde hair and piercings, like me…and finally the third thing.

Dang he was cute for someone that had pissed me off.

He took another step forward and at the same time I moved further back.

I was teetering on the edge now and I think that a light breeze could push me off with no effort.

I’d wanted me jumping to be a private moment and they were not helping me or making it easy.

“Frank, chill out. You’re going to make her jump if you’re not careful.” The guy that spoke was taller than the rest of them and didn’t try to move forward like the rest of the group did.

“I’m not sure if this has occurred to you but I was about to jump before that idiot stopped me, and I’m going to do it anyway. So as I have said three fucking times now leave me alone. I want to enjoy this and you’re ruining it.”

With a sigh I realised that I’d been standing here yelling at them in my underwear, not only did they know I was crazy enough to suicide it was added upon by lack of attention to the fact I’d been yelling at five strange guys I’ve never met before in my skimpy bra and undies.

“Just try talking to us. We’re not going to try doing anything. I’m not trying to convince you to not jump but would at least like a jacket, you’re over half naked and it’s cold out here. You’ve gotta be freezing.” I didn’t say anything to the guy that was standing there with a mug and skeleton onesie. He was probably the nicest out of all of them, he wasn’t attempting to talk me out of it and I appreciated that.

There was still no chance of me getting down from the railing on the safe side, I’d made up my mind and it was river of bust.

“Thank you for the offer but I’m fine.” I gave them a sad smile, “It’s not like I’m going to be cold much longer anyway.”                                         

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