Frank's POV
I sat there quietly on the couch as Gerard tried to calm Fallyn down, it wasn't working though and she got more and more hysterical by the moment.
Despite the fact that Gerard told me not to tell her that we were vampires he broke his own rule and told her.There had been 'a possibility that I could have calmed her down if given the right amount of time. Gerard had blown it when he showed her his fangs, I hadn't meant for her to see mine but like how it would always work, if I panic the teeth come out.
Now she was passed out on the couch, she passed out because she forgot to breath.
With a sigh I rubbed my eyes and let my eyes drift over her sleeping figure, her hair fell over her face and she looked adorable in my oversized borrowed clothing.I felt like a fucking monster, I'd scared her and she fainted because of that. I shouldn't be allowed to have any opinion of her other than being worried.
"Frank. No, I don't want you to have any attachment to her. You barely convinced her to stay till the next town and she's a mortal. Plus, what do you think she thinks of you now that she knows what you are?"
I looked at Gerard who had stood up and was now glaring at me. He wasn't fooling anyone though, he was as equally worried as me although he didn't have quite the same emotional attachment."What are you going to do when she wakes up, she knows now and there is no chance of being able to lie to her." Ray said looking at Gerard and I.
"I don't know, it's not like I can throw her off the bus and I haven't got the convenience of being able to erase memories like movie vampires do."
There was no way that she'd be waking up till morning, the poor girl was out cold."Maybe we could wait till she wakes up and convince her that it was a dream."
Gerard put his hands on his hips and nodded, for once he agreed with something that I said."Okay we'll do that. Frank, Mikey and Bob, you guys go to your bunks and get some sleep. Especially you Frankie, it's been a while since you last slept. Bob I know that you might be able to to control yourself but Mikey if you bite this girl while she's sleeping I'll kill you. No, fuck it, you'll be downgraded from bass and I'll make you play tambourine."
Mikey and Bob nodded while Ray went off to get his guitar so he'd have something to keep him distracted while he waited for morning to come.
"Since Ray and I'll be staying up tonight Fallyn can sleep in my bunk." I went to pick her up so I could carry her to Gerard's bunk."No you don't, I've seen the way you look at her. We are going to take her to the city with us, give her some money and that's it. You're not allowed to get any emotional connection going on with her."
I moved away from her as Gerard picked her small frame up with ease, he didn't seem to like her the way I did but I still didn't want him acting like he had full rights over her."You're a real asshole sometimes." I said before walking off the get some much needed sleep in my bunk.
I listened as Gerard put Fallyn in his bunk then walked out of the room to go back to the living room where Ray was playing his guitar again."What's Gee's problem? I wasn't going to bite her." Mikey protested now that Gerard was out of the room.
"Yeah right, Mikey everyone could hear your stomach growling." Bob who was in the bunk across from mine laughed loudly and I joined him, which pissed Mikey off more.
"Shut up Bob, we all know what you did to that girl in Chicago." Bob's laughter instantly disappeared and I got angry at Mikey really fast, I always felt sorta protective of Bob.
"That is a really fucking low as possible blow Michel." I hissed at Mikey, making sure to use his full name for effect.
Bob felt horrible after what he did and it was obvious that he'd never forgive himself for it, so for Mikey to do that to him was the lowest of the low."I'm sorry." Mikey whispered, good he should feel as sorry as all get out for that.
"Fine, whatever." Bob grumbled, he'd probably be having nightmares after that.
As the rest of the guys shut down for the night I rolled over and looked out the small window that gave me a view outside.It was late now, according to my cellphone it had just turned over to one thirty. I'd forgotten to have a shower but I had no desire to walk past Gerard right now, plus I was absolutely exhausted and could simply have a shower in the morning.
As the lights from outside flashed past I closed my eyes, the lights were still bright and I pulled the curtain shut, finally I was in darkness and could sleep.
There was only one problem, I still couldn't stop thinking of Fallyn who was fast asleep in the bunk above me.
I pushed all thoughts from my mind and managed to shut down my over active brain so I could get some sleep.

This Band Will Save Your Life || Frank Iero
FanfictionA NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR I thought it might be wise of me to say that the girl in this story has a plan to suicide. If this upsets you or has the possibility of triggering anything I suggest to read another one of my stories. ~~~ 'Came a time when e...