Fallyn's POV
The shower beat against my skin and I let out a long sigh as all the blood was washed off me the water turned red.
I could still feel the cuts in my wrists, the feeling of the knife slicing through my skin and the sensation of having my blood pour down my arm before I passed out.
I never want to experience that again as long as I live.
Frank was there for me when I woke up, somehow he'd healed the gashes on my wrists and I was alive thanks to him.
Even though Gee, Ray, Mikey and Bob were supportive of me to the point of it almost being ridicules I knew Frank would always be there for me, no matter what.
My heart almost stopped for a second when I opened my eyes and saw him gazing at me with a relieved smile on his face.
I don't know what happening to me, I know I've definitely got a crush but its something even bigger than that whenever he gives me his slightly crazy grin.
How he could be around so much blood and not freak out I didn't know, it was my own blood yet it scared me. As I added shampoo to my hair more blood came out, I'm luck I didn't bleed to death, or am I unlucky considering I'de attempted suicide only a couple of days ago.
I kinda don't want to die so much now, that means the bands job of saving me is finished and I can be sent back to Blackford, the shittiest town in the history of the world.
There was a knock on the door and considering my current in the shower and naked status I was unable to open it.
I looked at the glass on the shower, it was tinted and warped the view of anyone who was outside it.
"Uh, you can come in." There were no towels in here so the chances of me being able to get out and answer the door while being wrapped up in a towel were nil.
"What?" It wasn't a surprise for Frank to wonder if I'd actually said that, I questioned my own judgment sometimes.
"You can come in, it's not like you'll be able to see through the shower anyway." I turned slightly away from the door just in case as it slowly opened.
"I've got you a towel and your duffle bags on the bench." I grinned into the water, this reminded me of Saturday night when I first met them.
Frank using magic to heal a cut on my arm, washing some undesired substance off me and fluttery feeling in my head whenever I looked at him.
"Thanks, Frankie." I turned my head enough to see him smile at me through the warped glass.
He left the room and after a couple of minutes of the water running clear I shut it off and got out of the shower.
I dried off and put on the most comfortable clothing from my duffle bag.
The sunlight was starting to shine in the huge windows as I stepped out of the bathroom.
Frank was sitting on the couch with the tv on and a cup of something in his hand. He looked at me as I closed the bathroom door and walked towards the couch to sit down.
I plopped down on the couch and Frank handed me a paper bag and warm cup that smelt fantastic.
"Thanks, what's in this?" I opened the bag and was assailed by muffins, donuts and other various cafe foods. My stomach growled and I laughed, I was always hungry.
"I went out a bit earlier and got some food for everyone, try the drink." I took a sip from the cup and my it felt like there was a party in my mouth.
"This is like liquid skittles." He grinned and laughed. I wasn't lying though, it tasted like I was drinking candy or something.
"It's caramel latte." He laughed again as I started happily eating from the paper bag, I love muffins.
"You mean this wonderful substance is coffee, I never knew it could taste like this." I was talking, eating, drinking and trying to avoid thinking about the things that happened earlier.
"Are you feeling alright?" I halted my face stuffing and looked at Frank who was picking apart a muffin.
"Sorta, it's weird thinking I would have died if you didn't came in and save me. Thank you so much."
"What about your wrists and Evangeline?" He eyed my wrists for a moment and I dropped my head on his shoulder.
"I'm trying not to think about it. Did you know when I was a little kid I was able to repress memories at will? I had to sing in front of the school once and I hated it so much I made myself forget. People kept trying to talk to me about it but I never had any idea what they were talking about."
It was true, I'd forgotten and everyone thought I was a weirdo because I talked about it as if it had never happened.
"You didn't remember anything?" I shook my head, giving him confirmation that I had actually forgotten.
"Nope, I only started remembering it recently." A year ago to be exact.
"But you remember what happened with Evangeline."
"I'm still sorta scared but I'm able to detach myself from the situation, I'll pretend it never happened." I took another sip of my coffee while Frank stayed quiet for a moment.
"Do you want to leave? It won't take any effort to get Gee to find somewhere else." Before he'd even finished talking I started to shake my head.
"It's only one more night, I'll be alright. Anyway, what's the chances of Gerard believing a ghost cut my wrists and you healed the cuts with magic?" Gee would think I was a class one psycho and liar if I said some ghost called Evangeline tried to kill me with a butcher knife.
"Fine, but I don't want you to stay in a room by yourself for any amount of time."
He put his arm around my shoulders and I sighed contentedly before eating a piece of donut, I need to eat more healthy food.
Frank may never think of me as anything other than a kid, a friend or a little sister but its nice to know he's supportive.
"Okay, I'll have to stay with you then." He grinned at me and I smiled back then I noticed something on his jaw.
"Frankie, you've got something on you." I said while gesturing to the red stain that looked familiar. He wiped the red away when I have him a tissue.
"Was that my blood?"
"Probably, I must have wiped my face at some point." The blood was now gone and Frank continued eating and drinking as if nothing happened and having other people's blood on his face was an everyday occurrence.
"So how did you use the magic or whatever to heal my wrists." I'm kinda freaking myself out with how calm I was behaving, I'd nearly died and it was no skin off my nose.
"I won't tell you right now, I'll explain it later, how about tonight?" My eyes went to the clock on the nightstand, seven in the morning. I really didn't want to wait 'til tonight, I wanted to know now but I wasn't going to push the subject.
"Tonight sounds great." I righted myself, drank my latte and stuffed my face with surgery breakfast pastries.
Someone knocked on the door and Frank got up to open it.
I recognised Gee's voice and it was confirmed when he walked into the room with Mikey and Peanut.
Peanut came running towards me and jumped onto my lap while I giggled, she was well rested.
I adjusted the shirt which hung off one shoulder and gave a piece of muffin to Peanut.
"Hey, Fallyn what are you doing here?" Uh oh, I really didn't want Gerard to know I'd been spending the night in Frank's room.
If he knew my room was possessed and I'd been nearly killed not long ago he'd immediately make
us go to another hotel, which would be stupid because we'd only be staying here for one more night.
"She came in here a couple of minutes ago, we were having some breakfast and talking about tonight's concert." Frank came up with a lie and I was grateful. I'd die from embarrassment if Gee found out I had spent the night in Franks room.
"I had no idea coffee could taste so good." Gerard laughed as I gestured to the cup and took a drink from it.
"We're gonna meet up with the creation team, you can go and do something else if you want. Only two of us need to go." Mikey said while stepping into the room with Gerard who had a coffee gripped firmly in his hand.
"I have to go and so does everyone else, Mikey's trying to get out of talking to people." Gee sat next to me on the couch while Frank stood there with his arms crossed.
"What creation team?" I asked and the guys looked at me, Frank had mentioned they were considering making a music video for Helena so that may have something to do with it but I wanted it to be confirmed.
"We're gonna be talking to Marc Webb about the filming of I'm Not Okay." I'm now confused.
"Frank said the next video you'd be making would be for Helena."
I'd accidentally mentioned my knowledge of them filming something that no one was supposed to know.
"You told her?" Gerard didn't look angry but he didn't look very happy either.
"I slipped up, sorry." He had a grin on his face and didn't look sorry in the slightest.
"Oh well, we're gonna be talking to Marc about I'm Not Okay. We've already finished filming it and now we're adding the finishing touches. Helena's gonna be filmed next."
It was entertaining watching how casually he mentioned them filming a music video.
"You can go without me, is all you're doing is editing it. It's not like you have to have me there because its a life or death matter." While complaining Frank sat on Mikey who looked startled for a moment before ignoring him and adding to the conversation.
"If Fallyn doesn't want to go then you could keep her entertained for the day. We'll be leaving in half an hour and we won't be getting back 'til five."
How much film did they have to edit?
The uncut video must go for over two hours for them to need that much time.
"You want to leave her with Frankie? The most irresponsible, childish, immature guy in the whole planet." Gee was being a bit mean about Frank, yeah he could act like a kid sometimes but he wasn't that bad.
I was a little bit pissed off at Gerard for what he said.
"I'll stay here with Frankie." A huge smile spread across his face as the words left my mouth.
"Okay, but I don't want either of you doing anything dangerous, stupid or a combination of both. Don't steal anything or muck around with police."
This was the best warning speech ever, Gee spoke as if the band screwed with police on a regular basis.
"Sure, bring the finished video back when you're done, I want to see it." Frank said while getting off Mikey who was starting to look squashed. Gerard sighed, he wasn't happy he lost the argument and it was obvious.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll bring it back but if you make Fallyn upset I'll stuff you back into the locker, again."
I had no idea what he was talking about with the locker but I knew that Frank would never intentionally make me upset.
Before anything else could be said Mikey and Gerard left the room.
Frank was wearing his unique victory grin I'd seen a lot of since I've been on the bus.
It would be so awesome to hang out with My Chemical Romance while they put together their music video for I'm Not Okay but I'd much rather hang out with just Frank.
Peanut curled up on the bed and went to sleep while I quietly thanked nature for making foxes mainly nocturnal.
She'd be alone all day and to know she'd be here, waiting for me to get back would make me feel horrible. I sat there with a smile on my face as Frank started looking through his suitcase, presumably for clean clothes.
He took his shirt off and pulled on another one as if I wasn't in the room. He noticed look on my face and laughed awkwardly for a moment
"Sorry, I'm used to being around guys and we get changed in front of each other with no problem. Plus I can't be that bad, it's not like I was walking around stark naked." My cheeks were still bright red, I'd seen Frank Iero without a shirt twice now and it continued to give me butterflies in my stomach.
"It, uh, doesn't matter. What were your plans for today?" He picked up a pair of jeans and thankfully went into the bathroom to put them on.
"Not much, what do you think of ferris wheels and Tim Burton movies?" I tried to copy his grin at the mention of the days agenda.
"I love the movies. I'm not too fond of heights though." He walked out of the bathroom, now wearing skinny leg jeans.
"That's what we'll be doing for the day then. There's a huge ferris wheel that's supposed to give you an amazing view of the city and there's a Tim Burton movie marathon."
I'd been on a wheel with Kat once before, it was huge and both of us were afraid of heights so it ended up with lots of giggling and nervous squealing.
"When will we be leaving?" I asked while standing up and adjusting my shirt.
I was fully dressed and all I had to do was splash my face and brush my teeth but I was excited and happy.
"Soon as you're ready. The movie marathon starts at ten and goes 'til around four so brace yourself."
It wasn't necessary for me to brace myself, Katelyn and I used to watch ten movies in a row when I'd stay at her house.
"I'll finish getting ready then." I went back to my room and quickly cleaned my teeth and splashed my face before going back to Franks room.
I was a failure as a cliche girl, I rarely wore makeup or perfume and never wore or used anything that was considered a classic girly colour.
"That was quick." He said while tying up his sneakers. I'd already put on my shoes so I only had to wait for him to finish before we could go.
This is so exciting but I don't know why, I'm just happy.
"Okay let's go." He grabbed a jacket from the table and threw me the beanie he owned but never wore. Before we could run rampant around the town Frank reminded me we had to say bye to the guys.
Gerard grudgingly said see ya and went with us to the elevator since they were leaving at the same time.
Bob, Ray and Mikey were happily chatting and laughing while Gee made Frank give him a full explanation of what we'd be doing for the day.
He seemed okay with it it and gave me a hug before getting into the taxi with the rest of the guys.
Frank hailed a cab to take us to the movie theatre and I had a huge grin plastered to my face as he linked his arm around mine.

This Band Will Save Your Life || Frank Iero
FanfictionA NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR I thought it might be wise of me to say that the girl in this story has a plan to suicide. If this upsets you or has the possibility of triggering anything I suggest to read another one of my stories. ~~~ 'Came a time when e...