Chapter 3: Into Your Icy Blues

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Frank's POV


We'd been sitting in the bus for the past eight hours driving interstate to get to the next show on the Revenge tour. 

But like usual I'd fucked up and suggested that we use the GPS instead of a roadmap that didn't have the route change every second.

So yeah, we were lost for a while and after a couple of stops at different gas stations and a whole bunch of arguing over what way we should go I declared rock, paper, scissors.

Gerard won and now we were on the right track, at least he seemed pretty damn confidant about it. Stupid, smug bastard I thought at him while flicking through a music magazine that I'd picked up from one of the gas stations.

Ray was off head banging while playing his guitar, unfortunately he'd failed to take the oh so smug, currently drawing Gee with him and I was stuck listening to his mind babble while trying to focus on my mag.

Mikey was in the kitchen attempting to cook some food that would turn out to be burnt or just plain horrible.  
Not that I'm saying I could cook better than him, I just mean that he should be restricted to an easy bake oven, a pink one.

Bob was sitting on the couch next to me pushing buttons on his borrowed (from Ray) Nintendo ds.
I glanced at the screen, he appeared to be playing some Mario game, not sure which because in my opinion there's too many variations of the game.

With each passing second I tapped my foot on the floor in a boredom inspired clock imitation that sounded awful.
Gerard got louder and I put on my headphones in my attempt to drown him out, it hadn't worked in the past but HEY what's the worst thing that can happen if I try once more for the hundredth time.

There was an article in the mag about us and I read it excitedly.
I know that we're already famous but I can't help but get a bit hypo whenever I read about us.
It reminded me that my dream had finally come true, along with a few occasional nightmares.

In about five minutes the six page article had been read and I sat there on the couch tapping my foot up and down, now to the beat of the song that played over the headphones.

'Oh baby here comes the sound!
Took a train outta New Orleans, and they shot me full of ephedrine's. 
This is how we like to do it in the murder scene, can we settle up the score. 
If you were here I'd never have a fear. So come on mend your life. 
But I miss you more than I did yesterday. You're beautiful!'

"Frank. Frank! FRANK!" I took off my headphones to see Mikey standing in the kitchen doorway yelling my name at the top of his lungs.

"And that, my friends, is what Mikey Way says during his alone time." I said under my breath, making Bob and Gerard start laughing at his expense.

Mikey heard me of course; he heard everything even if it was barely a whisper that kid would be able to hear it.
Must be some way for the universe to apologise for giving him nearsightedness, thanks for absolutely nothing universe.

"Anyway, you were singing. Shut up." He said before disappearing into the kitchen.  
I hadn't been singing, I'd been thinking the words though.

That's probably what he'd been hearing the poor bastard had taken much longer to adjust than the rest of us.
He still thought that half the things he heard were spoken out loud and it could make some conversations really awkward, really fast.

Gerard went back to his drawing and I stood up to look over his shoulder at the latest, no effort artwork that he'd finished in record time.

"You like?" He said showing me a resign of the Revenge cover. It was amazing and I'd never be able to pull it off but I still preferred the original which he'd done before everything started.

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