Chapter 26: When We Bury Our Friends

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Brace yourselves for a fuckload of swearing.

Fallyn's POV




My eyes opened to a dark ceiling, dark because it was littered with posters and stickers.

The walls were almost identical, posters of MCR, ATL, BVB, P!ATD and D.R.U.G.S.

The springs in the bed beneath me squealed as I sat up and tried to register my surroundings.

Dark curtains hung over the windows and blocked out all forms of sunlight while a solar system hung from the ceiling and projected stars around the room.

There was a table in a corner covered in different pieces of paper meaning a variety of things, art work, forms, notes, homework.

Stupid fucking homework, did I finish it last night? My twenty page paper is still due, I'm gonna get murdered if I don't finish it and hand it in within the next week.

My old computer also sat on the table and the screensaver was bouncing around. Hundreds of photos were stuck on a wall mounted cork-board, some of them were random pictures of nature, others were of friends.

Home sweet fuckin home, I hate this place and almost everything in it.

The alarm clock reminded me I had roughly fourty minutes to clean myself up, get dressed, eat something and get my ass to school.

I hate high school, the people suck, the teachers suck and they only teach me what I already know.

Grudgingly I got up and pulled open my wardrobe door then stuck my head in, nope Narnia still isn't in here. Since I wasn't going to be meeting Aslan any time soon I settled with a long sleeved shirt and an army jacket.

With some jeans to match I got dressed and assessed myself in the mirror, meh, this'll have to do. My hair looks okay, should probably put on some makeup and shit like that.

I went through the daily routine of teeth brushing and makeup applying 'til I could go about everyday life without being ridiculed. Before I left my room I grabbed my backpack and marched down the hallway, Mum's bedroom door was closed, of course she's still asleep.

With a sigh I grabbed some sort of quick food that was without a doubt unhealthy and went out the front door to meet Kat near her house. The cold air bit into my skin and I pulled a beanie out of my backpack and put it on, much warmer. My sneakers tapped quietly against the sidewalk as I half jogged towards the usual meeting place I'd see Katelyn.

She sat on a brick fence with her legs swinging back and forth and her iPods earbuds firmly in her ears. She listened to music so loud she wouldn't hear me if I yelled at the top of my lungs, she's lucky she isn't deaf yet. I tapped on her shoulder, she grinned when she realised it was me and took out her earbuds.

The Used was blaring loudly, I grinned back while she hopped off the fence and hitched her backpack higher on her shoulder. It was obvious the cold air had gotten to her, the tip of her nose was flushed red and she was shivering.

A shiver made its way up my own skin as the cold crept down the back of my jacket and into my shirt. Winter can really suck sometimes and it's not even the cool kind of winter, no fluffy snow, just slush.

"Got around to the history paper yet?" We automatically started walking towards the school, it was too far away for someone as athletically challenged as me.

"It's too much effort, write a report on an influential historical figure. We did this last year and I got yelled at when I wrote a paper on Bon Scott." Kat laughed as we trudged through the slush, she thought it was hilarious I'd gotten an F because of the paper.

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