Fallyn's POV
I don't remember waking up, is all I can think of is the half hearted thumping of my heart.
What happened? I was sure that I'd died.
Everything in me strained to piece together what had happened during the time my heart stopped and started again.
Did I see God and go to heaven for a short while?
Did I see Lucifer and spend my time unexpectedly in hell?
I hadn't seen Katelyn, surely I'd remember something like that.
Maybe I was just asleep for a while or passed out and someone had noticed and woke me up.
My throat stung and I tried to take a breath to refresh my mind with some fresh oxygen. Nothing came to my lungs and I started to panic a little.
I tried again and still nothing came to me, 'third times the charm' my mind said to me as I tried my best to drag in some air.
Finally the air touched my much deprived body and everything in me relaxed, thank The Lord for oxygen.
Once my lungs got their fill of breathing inwards the exhalation started and something caught in my throat and I felt like I was choking.
I coughed hard trying to dislodge whatever it was that had become lodged in my throat while I was temporarily dead.
After another cough something poured down the side of my mouth, is that water?
Of course it's water I thought remembering the exact moment when my body hit the water and I realised that I was finally going to be getting my dream of death.
More and more water came pouring from my lips and I tried to sit up and cough it all out, I can't move.
Without meaning to I ended up on my side as I coughed, regurgitated and in general threw up what felt like half of the friggin river that I drowned in.
I gasped for air, assuming that I'd expelled all the water from my lungs and throat.
"Oh god! Air!" I said my lungs grasping for any small scrap of oxygen that the universe saw fit to throw me.
I sat there gasping as some heavy mass appeared on my back and the clinging tendrils of hair that hung around my face were swept away.
When that happened I truly started to get access to the pineapple scented air that was all around me.
"Holy friken hell, air I missed you!" Killing myself via water may not have been the best idea in the world. I'll try something like sleeping pills next time.
"Are you feeling better?" I opened my eyes to see a guy sitting on the floor next to me. My eyes weren't ready to register much yet but I could tell that his hair was wet and he had black makeup running down his face.
"Yeah, I think so. Have you ever noticed how good air tastes? Because right now I think I'd choose this over pizza."
He gave a short laugh and a smile spread across his face, I wanted to smile as well but I was way too tired for that.
"The air on this bus tastes especially good." I let out a small laugh that sounded more like a sigh and tried to remember why he looked so familiar.
Then I realised the last place I'd seen was a river and I had no idea where I was now.
"Wait a second. Where the heck am I?! This is it I'm dead aren't I? Is this heaven or something? Who the hell are you and why does my arm hurt?"
Without meaning to I'd started saying every single thing that came to mind all at once and the words came out a jumbled mess.

This Band Will Save Your Life || Frank Iero
FanfictionA NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR I thought it might be wise of me to say that the girl in this story has a plan to suicide. If this upsets you or has the possibility of triggering anything I suggest to read another one of my stories. ~~~ 'Came a time when e...