Chapter 8: Take My Hand

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Fallyn's POV


Frank stopped in front of another store.

He had no idea how to shop for a someone like me, he kept on stopping at shops that had girly titles or pink walls.

I had no hesitation when it came to giving him my honest opinion of the colour pink.

"Please stop with all the pink. I couldn't hate it more if I tried, greens much more my shade."

Frank tightened his grip on my hand and changed the direction we were waking in. 

"I know just the place"

Frank took me to store that wasn't covered in pink or rhinestones. 

"This one looks nice." I said looking at clothes that were of the more individual variety.

Instead of everything being bedazzled and yuck there were band shirts, different kinds of skinny jeans and spiked things.

"Why didn't you say that you wanted to go to Hot Topic?" Frank asked while I looked at a rack of shirts.

"I don't know what Hot Topic sells, we haven't got one in Blackford." 

We need one in my town, I thought as I looked at all the T-shirts.

I was struck by inspiration when a particular shirt jumped out at me.

"Frank can you come here for a second?" 

He walked up to me and I held the shirt to his chest and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" He held the shirt to himself and walked over to a mirror.

"Oh, hahaha. You are the queen of funny." The look on his face made me laugh that much harder. He was holding up a shirt with a picture of himself on it and he was giving me the same smirk as he had in the picture.

"That is the funniest thing that I've ever seen and I'm being honest." A snort came from my mouth and I quickly muffled any other strange sounds that might come from me.

"I forgot that this store sold some of our merch. Back to business, we only have two hours and if we take any longer Gerard will think I kidnapped you." Frank said while putting the shirt back into place on the shelf.

He handed me about ten different tops and pointed me in the general direction of the changing room.

I took off my hoodie and my regular shirt to try on one on a shirt Frank had picked for me. 

He'd actually managed to guess my size, but then again he'd probably seen the tags on my regular shirts when he was trying to find me something to put on while I was having a shower.

I tried on the rest of the tops, they all fitted and looked good on, huh, who knew that Frank had a good taste in fashion for girls.

"Does everything fit?" He asked as I put my T-shirt and hoodie back on.

"Yeah, they fit just fine." I said pulling the curtain back with one hand while holding the shirts which were hanging from their hangers with the other.

"Do you like them?"

"They all look really nice, you're good at picking clothes."

"What can I say, I'm a fashionista." He finished off his words with a smile and took the clothes from me.

"You should go and look at the pants over there." Frank gestured to the jeans hanging from racks with his head and I nodded and walked over to them while he presumably put the shirts away.

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