Fallyn's POV
I opened my eyes and looked at the small object in my hands, oh my god.
"You got me this, that's so nice." I said feeling a wide smile spread across my face, Frank was smiling as well.
"Even better, I made it, it's one of my guitar picks. It's a bit late but think of it as a birthday present. Do you want me to put it on for you?"
I nodded and he took the guitar pick necklace from my hands. It was so nice of him to go to the effort of making this for me.
Not many people have ever cared enough to give me something that would matter this much to me."Can you lift your hair?" With one hand I grabbed my hair and lifted it up so he could put the necklace around my neck.
I can't believe that Frank Iero would give me a necklace he'd made from his own guitar pick.
He did up the clasp and for a moment I felt his breath on the back of my neck."Thank you so much Frank, it's so sweet of you to think of giving me a present." I said holding the necklace so I could admire it.
He gave me another one of his adorable smiles and opened his mouth to say something.
Before my mind could react my body commanded me to hug him and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Feeling his body pressed against mine made my heart beat faster and tears started brimming around my eyes.
He wrapped his arms around my back and I felt my face grow hot, he was such an awesome guy."It's no problem, don't worry about it."
Without meaning to I hugged him tighter and some tears started to fall from my eyes and land on the ground.
"No one has ever been nice to me like this except for Katelyn. I'm sorry that in crying but I'm not used to this." I whispered, remembering the time Katelyn spent three straight days writing to the local radio station to get them to send a shout out to me on my birthday.
It was last year to be precise.
I got control of myself and loosened my grip around his neck so I could pull back and give him another smile.
He didn't have a smile on his face like I did but I could tell that he was happy through the shine in his hazel eyes.A piece of my badly cut hair fell into my face and I let out an internal sigh of frustration.
Frank pushed the hair away from my eyes and let his hand linger on the side of my face while my heart went wild.
My gaze drifted to his mouth before I resumed control of my body.Is he thinking the same thing as me right now? I doubt it.
He probably thinks I'm a kid.All of a sudden the bus came to a halt and caused bad luck for anyone who happened to be standing.
I went falling forward, waiting for my face to hit the ground but was stopped when I landed on Frank's chest.
I'd expected him to tell me off for squashing him but he gave me a big silly smile and I had to hold back a laugh.He's so cute.
Then the moment was over and he had a serious look that didn't suit him plastered to his face."Fallyn do you think that you could get off me? I have to go and do something. Why don't you start setting up your mobile."
My heart sunk, I'd be an idiot to believe that he'd like me the way I liked him.
My earlier thoughts had been right, to Frank I was a little girl.
I've been little girl-zoned, or friend-zoned, they both applied to me."Uh, okay." I rolled of him and quickly stood up while he stayed on the ground blankly staring at the ceiling for a moment before getting up and walking out of the room like nothing had happened.

This Band Will Save Your Life || Frank Iero
FanfictionA NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR I thought it might be wise of me to say that the girl in this story has a plan to suicide. If this upsets you or has the possibility of triggering anything I suggest to read another one of my stories. ~~~ 'Came a time when e...